Scientists believe that chemical changes and a thicker exterior
托福备考托福阅读34套TPO样题+解析+译文25—3 The Evolutionary Origin of Plants 托福考试 复习
The Evolutionary Origin of Plants The evolutionary history of plants has been marked by a series of adaptations. The ancestors of plants were photosynthetic single-celled organisms probably similar to today’s algae. Like modern algae, the organisms that gave rise to plants presumably lacked true ...
The Evolutionary Origin of Plants The evolutionary history of plants has been marked by a series of adaptations. 植物的“祖先”是能够进行光合作用的单细胞生物,或许和今天的藻类相似。 就像今天的藻类,进化出植物的组织可能缺少真正的根、茎、叶以及复杂生殖结构——例如花朵。" >The ancestors of plants ...
plantsevolutionaryoriginalgae托福adaptations .pgeducationTheEvolutionaryOriginofPlantsTheevolutionaryhistoryofplantshasbeenmarkedbyaseriesofadaptations.Theancestorsofplantswerephotosyntheticsingle-celledorganismsthatgaverisetoplantspresumablylackedtrueroots,stems,leaves,andcomplexreproductivestructuressuchasflowers.Allofthesefeat...
The seeds of some plants, such as burdock, are covered in tiny hooks. They latch on to the fur of animals and are carried away to new habitats. 3.搭顺风车 一些植物的种子,如牛蒡,被小钩子覆盖着。它们抓住动物的皮毛,被带到新的栖息地。
made of cellulose, similar in composition to those of land plants. Again, the good storage and cell wall molecules of red and brown algae are different. Today green algae live mainly in freshwater, suggesting that their early evolutionary history may have occurred in freshwater habitats. If so,...
The terrestrial world is green now, but it did not start out that way. When plants first made the transition ashore more than 400 million years ago, the land was barren and desolate, inhospitable to life. From a plant’s evolutionary view point, however, it was also a land of opportunity...
The Evolutionary Origin of Plants 62019-12 3 The Decline of Venetian Shipping 42019-12 4 The surface of Mars 112019-12 5 Sumer and the First Cities 212019-12 6 Survival of Plants and Animals in Desert 92019-12 7 Energy and the Industrial 102019-12 8 Predator-Prey Cycles 102019-12 9 The...
所属专辑:硬啃之托福阅读 音频列表 1 TPO 25-2 The Decline Of Venetian Shipping 335 2018-07 2 TPO 25-3 The Evolutionary Origin of Plants 335 2018-08 3 Tpo 26-1 energy and industrial revolution 516 2018-01 4 Tpo 26-2 survival of plants and animals in desert conditions ...