www.pgeducation.com The Evolutionary Origin of Plants The evolutionary history of plants has been marked by a series of adaptations. The ancestors of plants were photosynthetic single-celled organisms that gave rise to plants presumably lacked true roots, stems, leaves, and complex reproductive struct...
托福阅读TPO25(试题+答案+译文)第3篇:The EvolutionaryOriginofPlants_托福阅读 重点单词查看全部解释 withstand[wið'stænd]想一想再看vt.对抗,经得起,承受联想记忆X单词withstand联想记忆: with反+stand站,立→反着站→抵抗,抵挡 related[ri'leitid]想一想再看adj.相关的,有亲属关系的 ...
托福考试复习 TPO25—3TheEvolutionaryOriginofPlants 原文: 【1】Theevolutionaryhistor Theevolutionaryhistoryofplantshasbeenmarkedbyaseries ofadaptatio.Theancestoofplantswerephotosyntheticsingle- celledorganismsthatgaverisetoplantspresumablylackedtrueroots,
托福考试 复习 TPO 25—3 The Evolutionary Origin of Plants 原文: 【1】The evolutionary history of plants has been marked by a series ofadaptations. The ancestors of plants were photosynthetic single-celledorganisms that gave rise to plants presumably lacked true roots, stems, leaves,and complex ...
以 ancient algae 做过渡点,找到原文倒数第二句,所以答案非 C 即 D。倒数第二句说有feature 使它们忍受和极端温度干旱,而待插入句讲这些都是什么样的特点,也刚好与后面的 these adaption 形成很顺的过渡,正确答案是 D。此外,待插入句中的 among other things 也是一个很好的点 ...
The Evolutionary Origin of Plants The evolutionary history of plants has been marked by a series of adaptations. The ancestors of plants were photosynthetic single-celled organisms probably similar to today’s algae. Like modern algae, the organisms that gave rise to plants presumably lacked true ...
The Evolutionary Origin of Plants The evolutionary history of plants has been marked by a series of adaptations. 植物的“祖先”是能够进行光合作用的单细胞生物,或许和今天的藻类相似。 就像今天的藻类,进化出植物的组织可能缺少真正的根、茎、叶以及复杂生殖结构——例如花朵。" >The ancestors of plants ...
and waterless dispersal of sex cells were achieved with the origin of seed plants and the key evolutionary innovations that they introduced: pollen, seeds, and later, flowers and fruits. Paragraph 1:The evolutionary history of plants has been marked by a series of ...
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