Fish evolution after the Devonian followed two main paths. The Chondrichthyes (sharks and rays) radiated several times, and achieved high diversity at times. The Osteichthyes (bony fishes) also radiated several times, and they have become a major element of marine and freshwater life today. Most...
The Evolution of Redfishes of the Genus Sebastes (Perciformes: Sebastidae) of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans: Budding Speciation in a Species FlockSYMPATRIC speciationFISH speciationVICARIANCEPERCIFORMESSEBASTES marinusGENETIC speciationMOLECULAR clock
Causes and Course of Qrganic Evolution," he propounded the thesis that "organisms evolved first in fresh-water areas, and only by degrees spread into marine surroundings," and the first and larger of the two volumes now under review deals with the application of this view to the fishes. T...
This paper will briefly discuss the evolution of the commercial fishing vessels of the Pacific Northwest region of the United States and the State of Alaska. An overview of the vessels ranges from the Native American cedar canoes to the factory longliners of today. Emphasis will be placed on ...
The evolution of fishes and corals on reefs: form, function and interdependence. Biol. Rev. 92, 878–901 (2017). PubMed Google Scholar Stearns, S. C. Trade-offs in life-history evolution. Funct. Ecol. 3, 259–268 (1989). Google Scholar Ricklefs, R. E. & Wikelski, M. The ...
The habit of switching sex appears to have developed during fish evolution multiple times in separate families, and though in all of them a suite of genetic and hormonal triggers come into play, the enzyme aromatase appears to be the key. ...
Welcome to the resources site for the second edition of The Diversity of Fishes: Biology, Evolution, and Ecology by Gene Helfman, Bruce B. Collette, Douglas E. Facey, and Brian W. Bowen.On this site you will find: Updates to the book since publication Resources for each chapter - ...
A unique presentation of a modern, cladistically based classification of all the major living and fossil fish groups, this indispensable reference helps scientists and others identify and classify specimens, make familial connections, understand the evolution of fishes, and springboard in... (展开...
Five distinct sex-change mechanisms are identified among sequentially hermaphroditic fishes based on socio-ecological characteristics. The primary determinants of the sex-change mechanisms appear to be social organization and mating system, which in turn depend on resource distribution in space and time. ...
Please note that, while streaming, the high bandwidth version may take longer to load � especially for users with a slower internet connection � owing to the increased file size and quality.Low Bandwidth: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3...