R. 1990 . The evolution of courtship behavior in newts and salamanders. Advanced Studies of Animal Behavior 19: 137 – 169 .Halliday TR . 1990 . The evolution of courtship behavior in newts and salamanders . Adv Stud Behav 19 : 137 – 169 ....
Therefore, this contrast (i.e., rather short and straightforward displays to extremely elaborate and sophisticated displays) offers a unique opportunity to study the evolution of courtship displays using comparative methods and further makes Galliformes an interesting group for studying mating behaviours ...
We performed a series of meta-analyses to investigate the evolution of courtship behavior in freshwater turtles. Biting, an aggressive form of courtship behavior, is plesiomorphic, conserved only in the Chelydridae, Kinosternidae, subfamily Emydinae and South American species in the Pleurodira. ...
这个起源是英国古生物学家瓦尔克提出,但是在之后瓦尔克放弃(abandon)了这个假说(hypothesis),尽管如此,还是有鸟类学家(Ornithologist)支持这个起源。 2. 进化(evolution) 对于进化方面就是鸟类的翅膀(wing)了,有的认为为了飞行(flight)而...
Buy The Evolution of Beauty (9780345804570): How Darwin's Forgotten Theory of Mate Choice Shapes the Animal World - And Us: NHBS - Richard O Prum, Anchor Books
I present a model describing the evolution and function of various evolved modes of transcendence, such as group-directed transcendence, theory of mind (ToM)-evoking transcendence, aesthetic transcendence, and epistemic transcendence. I then discuss the vulnerability of these modes of transcendence to ...
I heard Daniel Lehrman lecture for the first time in 1957. The subject was ring doves and the hypotheses concerned the interrelationship of physical objects (nests and eggs), behavior (courtship), and induction and phasing of hormonal secretions. It was
Neural evolution of context-dependent fly song. Curr. Biol. 29, 1089–1099.e7 (2019). Quantitative trait locus study identifying the genetic bases of divergence in courtship songs between two Drosophila species. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Elipot, Y. et al. A mutation in the enzyme ...
Evolution in man during recorded time has been social rather thanbiological: it has proceeded not by heritable variations in the species, butmostly by economic, political, intellectual, and moral innovation transmittedto indi...
The Genetical Society of Great Britain INVITED REVIEW EVOLUTION OF DROSOPHILA ON THE NEWER HAWAIIAN VOLCANOES HAMPTON L. CARSON Department of Genetics, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, U.S.A. Received 15.x.81 SUMMARY The 20-year odyssey taken by the Hawaiian Drosophila project has ...