We couldn’t talk about the evolution of the cell phone without mentioning Nokia’s 3310 model, also known as the only indestructible phone on Earth. More than 126 million models were sold after the phone’s original release in 2000. But don’t believe the hype, as funny as it would be...
With the development of the high modern technology, cell phone now is more than a communication tool; it’s a necessity in our daily life. This week we talked about cell phones in our weekly topic. At the beginning of the class, teacher...
There are thousands of models of cell phones that have hit the streets between 1983 and now. We’ve picked a few of the more popular and unusual ones to take you through the history of this device that most of us consider a part of our everyday lives. We have tried, wherever possible...
Mobile phones are the main invention of modern technology.They are completely part of our daily lives If we look at our society,we can see that all kinds of people are using mobile phones.Maybe they have many advantages,but they also experience drawbacks. The main advantage of mobile phones ...
According to recent surveys, 75% of the world's population owns a cell phone.6,7 Surveys in 2019 indicated that there were 5.11 billion unique mobile phone users, and that 2.71 billion of them used smartphones. People from China (> 782 million users) and India (> 386 million users) ...
The evolution of telephones42 photos "This beginning of live communication and the expectations of that, that carries over to now," said Stein. "Now you may have Facetime, now you may communicate with text messages. Think about virtual reality -- well, it all begins with a phone call." ...
Extra: Evolution of the Cell PhoneMarty Cooper headed the team at Motorola that developed the cell phone. He shows "60 Minutes" Correspondent Morley Safer how the phones have changed over the last four decades.May 24, 2010 embed code copied Playlists CBS Mornings8902 videos CBS Evening News...
With the evolution of cell phones into full-fledged handheld computers, manufacturers had to think of new ways to cram all the essential components of a PC into the tiniest space possible. Hence, the birth of System on a Chip, or SoC. It is the chip determining your device’s performance...
The battery that really revolutionized everything was the Lithium Ion or Li-Ion battery. First made commercially available in 1991, in 20 years of development the Li-Ion performance has improved nearly five fold. Without this technology, it would have been impossible to transform chunky cellphones...
The rapid evolution of mobile phone technology has raised public concern about its possible association with adverse health effects. Given the huge number of mobile phone users at present days, even simple adverse health effects could have major implications. This article reviews the present knowledge...