由Tango Gameworks 開發,並由《Resident Evil》系列的製作人三上真司監製的《The Evil Within》,展現出了純粹的生存恐懼。 你將化身賽巴斯汀‧卡斯特拉諾警探,尋找可怕大量殺人案隱藏的黑暗真相,這起案件還連接到一個瘋狂的世界,可怕的怪物在死者之間徘徊。賽巴斯汀將面對難以想像的恐怖,並利用有限的資源奮戰求生,展...
《The Evil Within: The Assignment》 在《The Evil Within: The Assignment》從新的視角中感受生存的恐懼。 在《The Evil Within》兩章劇情擴展內容第一章中,玩家將扮演賽巴斯汀.卡斯特拉諾的神秘搭檔茱莉.基曼警探,在與《The Evil Within》主線劇情相同時間點的故事中揭曉她的行蹤。
From October 19 to 26, The Evil Within by Bethesda Softworks will be made available for free to add to your library of games via theEpic Games Store. The Evil Within was developed by Tango Gameworks and directed by Shinji Mikami who was also credited for directing the Resident Evil series....
The Secret Order 2: Masked Intent (Full) Artifex Mundi 拼圖與邏輯 12+ 中度暴力 FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Discover the secrets of ancient artefacts. Travel into the past to force back the evil power which threatens your...
Explore beautiful locations, encounter unique beasts, solve riddles, reach the finale of this epic quest, and discover the power of friendship! Veterans of the HOPA genre, Sunward Games and Artifex Mundi (creators of the memorable Enigmatis and Grim Legends), proudly present the eighth part of ...
但是拯救女兒的一線生機出現了,在《The Evil Within 2》中,賽巴斯汀必須再次進入 STEM 的惡夢世界。 周圍的世界扭曲變形,可怕的威脅從四面八方湧出。在 Tango Gameworks 才華洋溢的團隊所帶來的這款令人焦慮不安的生存恐怖續作中,運用可升級的武器,巧妙地設下陷阱,甚至隱密地避開傷害來克服逆境。 深入《The Evil ...
Shinji Mikami has yet to make a poor game, and The Evil Within does not blemish his record. But neither does the game enchant and disrupt in the way that Vanquish and the others managed. This is Mikami revisiting his past glories and, as such, it's both a delight and a disappointment...
The Evil Within Discover Browse News The Evil Withincontains content that is unrated and may not be appropriate for all ages. To continue, please provide your date of birth View ourprivacy policy MM DD YYYY Back to StoreContinue Overview
The Secret Order 2: Masked Intent (Full) Artifex Mundi 拼圖與邏輯 輔導級 15 歲 反社交特徵 FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Discover the secrets of ancient artefacts. Travel into the past to force back the evil power which ...
由Tango Gameworks开发,并由《Resident Evil》系列的制作人三上真司监制的《The Evil Within》,展现出了纯粹的生存恐惧。 你将化身塞巴斯汀‧卡斯特拉诺警探,在扭曲的恶梦世界利用有限的资源奋战求生。 游戏类型 射击恐怖生存 特色 单人成就 由Tango Gameworks开发,并由《Resident Evil》系列的制作人三上真司监制的《...