参考译名《欧洲物理杂志A》 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T2), SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向物理与天体物理-PHYSICS, NUCLEAR物理:核物理;PHYSICS, PARTICLES & FIELDS物理:粒子与场物理 The European Physical Journal A《欧洲物理杂志A》(月刊). The European Physical Journ...
The European Physical Journal A (EPJ A) presents new and original research results in Hadron physics and Nuclear physics, in a variety of formats, including Regular Articles, Reviews, New Tools and Techniques and Letters. The range of topics is extensive: Hadron Physics Hadron Structure Hadron ...
The European Physical Journal A (EPJ A) presents new and original research results in Hadron physics and Nuclear physics, in a variety of formats, including Regular Articles, Reviews, Tools for Experiment and Theory/Scientific Notes and Letters. The range of topics is extensive: Hadron Physics St...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D位于中科院4区,影响因子发展较为缓慢,其最新IF值为1.611,自引率11.8%,另外根据已投网友经验分析,该刊审稿速度中等偏快,感兴趣的小伙伴可以了解一下。
期刊名称:《The European physical journal, D. Atomic, molecular, and optical physics》 | 2007年第2期 关键词: SCATTERING; IONIZATION; HELIUM;8.Multi-particle and high-dimension controlled order rearrangement encryption protocols 机译:多粒子和高维控制顺序重排加密协议 作者:Y. Cao;A.-M.Wang;X.-...
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter Physics 欧洲物理学杂志,B辑:凝聚物质 journalfair.cepiec.com.cn 2. The European Physical Journal A-Hadrons and Nuclei 欧洲物理学杂志,A辑:强子与核子 journalfair.cepiec.com.cn 3. The European Physical Journal E-Soft Matter 欧洲物理学杂志,E辑:软性...
The European Physical Journal D (EPJ D) presents new and original research results in: Atomic Physics Molecular Physics and Chemical Physics Atomic and Molecular Collisions Clusters and Nanostructures Plasma Physics Laser Cooling and Quantum Gas Nonlinear Dynamics Optical Physics Quantum Optics and Quantum...
We recall Jacques Raynal’s career, his main bibliographical data and achievements, summarizing his topics of interest and works. We also give some bi
期刊网址:https://link.springer.com/journal/10052 出版商网址:http://www.springeronline.com 返回该期刊 请您纠错 各位老师、同学们好: 全站一万多个期刊,我们都是每天人工滚动核实、更新其投稿信息,循环一遍大概需要七八个月时间,其间肯定会有变更了的期刊信息难以被及时发现,为保证信息准确不耽误大家投稿,欢迎您...
The European Physical Journal Plus好像是新出来的杂志,到底是研究哪方面的呢,容易中吗,谢谢大家啊 [...