An introduction to the ethical aspects of war and peace, this collection of tightly integrated essays explores the reasons for waging war and for fighting with restraint as formulated in a diversity of ethical traditions, religious and secular.Terr...
1987. "Drawing the Lines-Gender, Peace and War: An Introduc- tion." In Images of Women in Peace and War, edited by S. MacDonald, P. Holden, and S. Ardener. London: MacMillan Education.Macdonald, Sharon. 1988. "Drawing the Lines - Gender, Peace and War: An Introduction" in Images...
Proportionality and combat trauma Article 09 February 2024 Introduction Chapter © 2016 The Lace of Peace’s Coat: Understanding Trauma, Peace and Peacebuilding Chapter © 2018 Keywords War Just War Theory PTSD Trauma Military Ethics Torture Drones Cyberwar Veterans Responsibility ...
1War, Law, Society, and the Courts, 1939-1945: An IntroductionDerk VenemaAbstractThis chapter presents in brief the function of courts in a democratic rule of law state, the German ideas and strategies of occupation rule, the international and national laws regarding military occupation (the ...
Always conscious of this, while promoting continuous progress in material terms, the CPC also attaches great importance to education in culture and ethics. It carries out systematic campaigns to encourage the general public to study the Party's theories, ideals, beliefs, and spirit, so as to str...
This Christmastide, I’ve been re-reading Charles Williams’ “supernatural thriller,”War in Heaven, in which several malevolent individuals invoke demonic forces, not only to gain power but also for the perverse pleasure of destroying whatever is true and good. Their chief nemesis is an Anglica...
It is because there are too many schools dedicated to the discussion of arts and there are too few that are focused on political affairs and ethics. The so-called arts refer to disciplines as shallow as language studies, which are the last things to learn as far as strategy is concerned,...
Women and Gender in Early Modern Eu 评价人数不足 Wiesner-Hanks, Merry E. / 2008 6. A Concise History ofHistory:Global Historiography from Antiquity to thePresent 历史的简史:从古至今全球撰史 英文简介 This short history of history is an ideal introduction for those studying or teaching the subj...
History of ethics - Western ethics from the beginning of the 20th century: As discussed in the brief survey above, the history of Western ethics from the time of the Sophists to the end of the 19th century shows three constant themes. First, there is the
Introduction Civil Conflicts and the Elaboration of the Qur’an The Need for Interpretation Examples of the “Shi’i Verses” of the Qur’an Between Apocalypse and Empire Epilogue Funding Conflicts of Interest Note Referencesshare Share announcement Help format_quote Cite question_answer Discuss in Sc...