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未知数 unknown, x-factor, y-factor, z-factor 等式,方程式 equation 一次方程 simple equation 二次方程 quadratic equation 三次方程 cubic equation 四次方程 quartic equation 不等式 inequation 阶乘factorial 对数logarithm 指数,幂 exponent 乘方power 二次方,平方 square 三次方,立方 cube 四次方 the power o...
The equation above assumes that all elements of X(t) are independent, conditional on \(\tilde{{\boldsymbol{\mu }}}(t)\). Growth rates and R t values A convenient consequence of the spline basis of \(\log ({\boldsymbol{\mu }})={\boldsymbol{\lambda }}\), is that the delay-adj...
ce travail étudie un aquifère gréseux d’origine fluvial à des profondeurs d’investigation en rapport avec des réservoirs géothermiques à haute enthalpie (~0.7–1.1 km). A de telles profondeurs, la circulation inter granulaire domine en zones non-faillées avec une seule contribution...
The equation is based on Seeber (2003, p. 23) for a North-East-Zenith frame but changing the sign of the z-direction (3rd row) to get a right-handed North-East-Center frame (NEC). The rotation matrix is described as: $$\underline {R_{\text{ITRF}2\text{NEC}}} = \left| {\...
Professional title, educational background, and job satisfaction are among the factors that teachers can control for themselves, but these variables have very weak correlations and cannot be used as explanatory variables in the regression equation. Age, on the other hand, has a weak correlation wit...
In this paper, we apply Bayesian inference to constrain the nuclear equation of state parameters by using properties of neutron stars, including the maximum neutron star mass, radius, tidal deformability at 1.4 times the solar mass, and speed of sound. When the polytrope EOS parameter γ is fi...
the heart of oleam the heart of the warr the heat equation the heavenly queen the heavy traffic the heere the heidelberg catech the height of the one the helicopter is an the hell with ityou b the hen laid golden e the hepatitis b found the herbalist s manua the hermit road the hidde...
parity check bit parity check code parity check digit parity check equation parity checking parity check matrix paritycheckprocedure parity check symbol parity check system parity code parity control parity count characte parity digit parity error parity error pe parity flag parity function parity generato...