the poem of Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, is the world's oldest epic, predating Homer by many centuries. The story tells of Gilgamesh.s adventures with the wild man Enkidu, and of his arduous journey to the ends of the earth in quest of the Babylonian Noah and the secret of immortality. ...
The Epic of Gilgamesh作为一部浪漫史诗包含着崇拜英雄的浪漫情怀尤为可贵的是Gilgamesh和众神抗争精神还有这部史诗对永生的思考,仅凭这些哪怕是没有爱情也足够称得上浪漫史诗,至于爱情,王有唯一能与他相知相伴的Enkidu就够了,随时能在史诗里闪瞎你们这群杂修的狗眼。 这一部仅剩12块泥板的史诗好大的信息量。 哪怕...
Gilgamesh, King of Uruk, and his companion Enkidu are the only heroes to have survived from the ancient literature of Babylon, immortalized in this epic poem that dates back to the 3rd millennium BC. Together they journey to the Spring of Youth, defeat the Bull of Heaven and slay the monst...
1. 《吉尔伽美什史诗》(The Epic of Gilgamesh)是目前已知世界最古老的英雄史诗,成书于公元前2000年左右,以楔形文字写成。现存于世的作品残缺了近1/3。讲述了苏美尔三大英雄之一的吉尔迦美什的生平经历。 2. 恩奇都 (Enkidu) 是半人半兽的勇士,是吉尔伽美什的好友,他后来的死亡让吉尔伽美什痛苦不已。 3. 格...
weeping for Enkidu beside the body, and then I saw a worm fall out of his nose. Must I die too? Must Gilgamesh be like that? It was then I felt the fear of it in my belly. I roam the wilderness because of the fear. Enkidu, the companion, whom I loved, ...
Babylonian整体更喜欢一些,尤其是大洪水后,“神像苍蝇一样飞向自己的贡品”那一段,太黑色幽默了!Sumerian想象力更丰富细腻一些,读起来比较好玩 ……以及Gilgamesh和Enkidu嘻嘻嘻(。 评分☆☆☆ 果然大家都是为了闪闪来读这书的。但是书本身实在很有趣很性感 评分☆...
The-Epic-of-GILGAMESH TheEpicofGILGAMESH PRESENTEDBY:ANDREWJONESANDAARONWOODWARDAKA……1 TheATeam!!!2 3 Characters •Gilgamesh-KingofUruk,2/3god1/3man.Epichero.-•EnkiduWildmansentby ArurutochallengeGilgamesh.Moreanimalthanperson.•TheTrapper-Notorious trapperwhosetrappingswerefoiledbyEnkidu.•Sha...
The Epic of Gilgamesh Translated by Maureen Gallery Kovacs Electronic Edition by Wolf Carnahan, I998 Tablet I He who has seen everything, I will make known (?) to the lands. I will teach (?) about him who experienced all things, ... alike, Anu granted him the totality of knowledge of...