Annotation The enormous crocodile devises secret plans and a few clever tricks to secure his lunch only to have them foiled by his neighbors. 爱耍小聪明的大大大大鳄鱼,想找个美味多汁的小孩当午餐,于是出发寻找猎物,沿路碰到大象、猴子、小鸟等动物,他都兴高采烈地告诉他们--他要去吃小孩。
The Enormous Crocodile is the greediest creature in the whole jungle and he loves eating children! He's a terrible boaster and thinks he's really smart with his secret plans and clever tricks. But he's not as clever as the other animals and they plan to ruin his wicked schemes and ...
LoveEnglish爱英语创作的有声书作品The Enormous Crocodile,目前已更新5个声音,收听最新音频章节(Roald Dahl) The Enormous Crocodile - 04。英国天才儿童文学作家罗尔德达尔与享誉世界的插画大师昆廷布莱克再度合作,为孩子...
The Enormous Crocodile is a horrid greedy grumptious brute who loves to guzzle up little boys and girls. But the other animals have had enough of his cunning tricks, so they scheme to get the better of this foul fiend, once and for all! This is an unabri
Roald Dahl - Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life英文原版小说文学作品电子版下载 星级: 68 页 Frame Tale英文版小说文学作品电子版下载英文原版小说西方文学作品电子版下载 星级: 2 页 Roald Dahl - Dirty Beasts英文原版小说西方文学作品电子版下载 星级: 23 页 James Maguire - Washy and the Crocodile英文小...
The Enormous Crocodile 452019-04 7 The Enormous Crocodile 412019-04 8 Rats 272019-04 9 The new Baby 362019-04 10 THE SIMPLETON 412019-04 查看更多 猜你喜欢 1804 The-Princess-and-the-Frog by:亚乐伦图书 5521 The-Fox-and-the-Dog by:亚乐伦图书 50 THE BLUESMEN-THE BLUESMEN by:流行风ING 140...
关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Roald Dahl The Enormous Crocodile罗尔德·达尔的鳄鱼 VIP免费下载 下载文档 收藏 分享赏 0 下载提示 1、该文档为VIP文档,如果想要下载,成为VIP会员后,下载免费。 2、成为VIP后,下载本文档将扣除1次下载权益。下载后,不支持退款、换文档。如有...
The Enormous Crocodile. Roald Dahl 大大大大的鳄鱼 [平装] The Enormous Crocodile is a horrid greedy grumptious brute who loves to guzzle up little boys and girls. But the other animals have had enough of his cunni... Roald Dahl 著,Quentin Blake 绘 - The Enormous Crocodile. Roald Dahl 大大...
The enormous crocodile 362 下载订阅分享 声音(9)评价(0) 正序 | 倒序 9 Task 10 282024-12 8 task8 482024-12 7 task7 482024-12 6 澳门春景 442024-12 5 task6 262024-12 4 古诗三首 452024-12 3 task4 342024-11 2 task2 482024-11 1 task1 402024-11...
The Enormous Crocodile 402023-07 查看更多 猜你喜欢 26 THE HEN-THE HEN by:小众style 140 The Wind-The Jesters by:小众style 50 THE BLUESMEN-THE BLUESMEN by:流行风ING 1804 The-Princess-and-the-Frog by:亚乐伦图书 5521 The-Fox-and-the-Dog by:亚乐伦图书 443 The Vault-The RPZ by:嘻哈有态度...