moving down hopelessly in the next 11 years. this period coincided with the "culture revolution". our society went mad then, books were burned, schools were closed and all kinds of academic activities
If you focus on the Enlightenment and the Age of Revolutions—on Napoleon in France, Toussaint L’Ouverture in Haiti, and Simon Bolivar in Latin America—nearly all the so-called democratic revolutions of this period existed in tension with this lure of the charismatic strongman. In most of th...
the curve drastically dropped below zero, moving down hopelessly in the next 11 years. This periodcoincided with the "Culture Revolution". Our society went mad then, books were burned
Thinkers of the Enlightenment period in the 18th century also helped set the stage for the sociologists who would follow. This period was the first time in history that thinkers tried to provide general explanations of the social world. They were able to detach themselves, at least in principle...
During the Enlightenment, elite Westerners constructed first an image of nature, then an industrial reality, directly expressive of the power of Western science. Like early industrialization, the scientific image of nature emerged first in Britain; eventually it would become distinctively Western. So im...
The formation of the CPI coincided with the preparation of an anti-French uprising in North Vietnam by the National Party of Vietnam (the Yen Bay Uprising). However, the alienation of the National Party of Vietnam from the people made it possible for the colonialists to suppress the ...
We know how the first period ended. The depletion of the key resource, fur, drove the state into a major crisis. It forced a radical change in Muscovite mores, which included the election of a new dynasty by vote, the import of the European Enlightenment, and the institution of the forma...
For some time, both philosophy and the proto-psychology of the ancient Greeks largely disappeared in Europe until the Renaissance. During this period, several factors coincided, likely giving the average person more time to reflect on the human experience, as well as an easier route to the work...
•Enlightenmentscholarshadlittletimeforreligiousdogmathatdidnotlendthemselvestoreason.Even‘madness’,whichhassomethingtotellusaboutthehumanconditioninShakespeare’sworld,wasnowdismissedasnonsense;‘noreason’.ReasonandthePassions •Enlightenmentscholarsvoicedadistrustofthepassions,especiallytheextremepassions,and...
The golden age of European drama coincided with the English and Spanish Renaissance and the baroque period. The loftiness and tragedy of the Renaissance personality, its titanic and ambivalent qualities, and its freedom from the gods and dependence on passion and the power of money, as well as ...