Prime Video shared the official trailer for upcoming Western drama series “The English,” starring Emily Blunt and Chaske Spencer. All six episodes of the limited series will premiere on November 11 exclusively in the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Nordics on Prime Video, fol...
The English(starring Emily Blunt and Chaske Spencer) can teach writers about backstory techniques—the good, the bad, and the ugly. (The English(2022), BBC Two.) Today, as we discuss the incredibly versatile and effective technique of the backstory drip, we’ll take a quick look at how t...
Also ranks #1 on Underrated Movies Starring A Flash-In-The-Pan Movie Star Also ranks #2 on The Best Movies With Swing Dancing 27 The Giver Jeff Bridges, Meryl Streep, Brenton Thwaites 47 votes Adapted from Lois Lowry's acclaimed dystopian novel, this film presents a seemingly perfect society...
Amazon StudiosThe English (2022)Gripping Western drama series The English stars Emily Blunt and Chaske Spencer as an unlikely duo traveling across a treacherous landscape. The first episode of the miniseries presents some terrible characters and reveals a bit of what motivates both protagonists -- Bl...
Also ranks #18 on The Best Disney Movies Starring Cats 32 Oh, God! Book II George Burns, Suzanne Pleshette, David Birney 11 votes This lighthearted and clever comedy sequel stars George Burns, reprising his role as the lovable and wise God, who enlists the help of a young girl to write...
Diego Lopez Calvin/Amazon StudiosThe English (2022)Gripping Western drama series The English stars Emily Blunt and Chaske Spencer as an unlikely duo traveling across a treacherous landscape. The first episode of the miniseries presents some terrible characters and reveals a bit of what motivates both...
In this remake of the popular 1989 movie starring Patrick Swayze, Jake Gyllenhaal portrays Elwood Dalton as a former UFC fighter who has fallen on some hard times. Road House gives Elwood a chance for redemption when Frankie (Jessica Williams) recruits him to be the bouncer at her bar, whic...
Krasinski -- who wrote and directed the hotly anticipated sequel starring his Golden Globe-winning wife -- said that Blunt isn't just a wonderful actress, she's an amazing collaborator and creative powerhouse too. "She is the most incredible partner in writing and directing an...
Starring:Tom Kenny,Antonio BanderasandBill Fagerbakke Directed by:Mike MitchellandPaul Tibbitt Snow White and the Seven Samurai 2024|CC 1.8 out of 5 stars 16 Prime Video Watch now: Free with ads Or $0.00 with a Prime membership Starring:FIONA DORN,GINA VITORI,QUINTON "RAMPAGE" JACKSON, et al...
Starring: Emily Blunt, Rosemarie DeWitt, Mark Duplass, Mike Birbiglia Directed By: Lynn Shelton Notting Hill (1999) 84% #91 Critics Consensus: A rom-com with the right ingredients, Notting Hill proves there's nothing like a love story well told -- especially when Hugh Grant and Julia ...