c The Venn diagram shows distinct gene sets for full islet autoimmunity, IAA-first, and GADA-first cohorts. d Differentially expressed genes with consistent temporal pattern selected from the full islet autoimmunity, GADA-first and IAA-first cohorts. For visualization expression of each gene is ...
Here, we found that cholecystokinin (CCK)-labeled duodenal neuropod cells differentiate and transduce luminal stimuli from sweeteners and sugars to the vagus nerve using sweet taste receptors and sodium glucose transporters. The two stimulus types elicited distinct neural pathways: while sweetener ...
After infection (24 h, Vero E6, Pasteur; 16 h, VAT-1), cells were fixed with a final concentration of 4% formaldehyde, permeabilized with 0.2% Triton X-100 and 3% BSA in PBS (vol/vol) and stained for the SARS-CoV-2 N protein using the Alexa 488-labeled CR3009 antibody ...
Effects of XKY on hyperglycemia and insulin resistance indb/dbmice.ASchematic diagram of the animal experiment.BBody weight,Cbody weight gain,Dliver weight/body weight,Edaily food intake,Fdaily water intake,GFBG,Hcurve of OGTT,IOGTT area under curve,Jcurve of ITT,KITT area under curve,Lin...
The NanoString nCounter uses multiplexed nucleotide probes, labeled with a fluorophore, to generate counts for each gene, as previously described [21]. RNA (50 ng) was prepared as detailed above. RNA expression was quantified on the nCounter Digital AnalyzerTM, and raw and adjusted counts ...
Serum and supernate of homogenized tissue were thawed, mixed with isotopically labeled internal standard solutions and then transferred to new tubes after vortex and centrifugation (29,700 g, 10 min, 4 ℃). The cryogenic vacuum centrifugal enrichment and evaporation system (CentriVap Labconco) was ...
Diagram of relevant somatic (blue) and autonomic nervous systems (ANS, red) in girls. Note, leptin, hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis and sympathetic axis in the ANS. The sensory input, motor output and PPC relate to the somatic nervous system and the rest illustrate leptin, hypothalamus and...
The plasticity along the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) spectrum has been shown to be regulated by various epigenetic repertoires. Emerging evidence of local chromatin conformation changes suggests that regulation of EMT may occur at a higher or
6c). To confirm the observed effects of the inhibitor on the interactome we performed a western blot analysis of the biotin-labeled proteins after pull-down (Supplementary Fig. 6d). Also using this orthogonal technique, we see a general loss of labeled interactors upon treatment with the ...
In contrast, estrogen receptor α (ERα) helps to maintain the epithelial phenotype of breast cancer cells and its expression is crucial for effective endocrine therapies. Determining whether and how EMT-associated transcription factors such as ZEB1 modulate ERα signaling during early stages of EMT ...