Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War《转折点:原子弹与冷战(2024)》第一季第九集完整中英文对照剧本.docx (1989年11月9日) 冷战的结束 TheendingoftheColdWar 基本被视为一种必然发生的进步 wasessentiallyseenassortofainevitablemarchofprogress. ...
how the various patterns work: whether a single state becomes so massively powerful as to be utterly dominant; whether several great powers, with minor allies perhaps, can be kept in balance with each other; whether rapid changes in relative power can be managed without the violence of war.doi...
内容提示: (1989 年 11 月 9 日) 冷战的结束 The ending of the Cold War 基本被视为一种必然发生的进步 was essentially seen as sort of a inevitable march of progress. 西方的民♥主♥和资本主义 That Western-style democracy and capitalism 已经取得了 某种决定性和永久性的胜利 had ...
goes some of the way towards accounting for its surprising outcome. Bufacchi, V., Burgess, S. (1997). Italy and the Ending of the Cold War: November 1989–April 1992. In: Italy since 1989. Palgrave Macmillan, London. https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230596030_2 Download citation .RIS .ENW ...
The agreement also called for ending restrictions on the flow of goods, services and investments among the three countries. 克林顿在第一届政府中获得的主要外交政策目标之一是在1993年11月实现的。美国国会通过了北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA),该协议要求取消美国、加拿大和墨西哥之间的大部分进口税。该协议还呼吁...
冷战英文介绍 the cold war THECOLDWAR 精选可编辑ppt 1 TIME:BeganwiththeendingoftheWorldWarII.CAUSES:CausedbyconflictsbetweentheU.S.and theUSSR(苏联)arosebasicallyfromtheirseparateconceptsofpostwar(战后的)worldorder.THEDIFFERENTPOLICY:DuringtheColdWar,theU.S.governmentwouldsupportanycountrywhichsaiditwas...
1、THE COLD WARTIME: Began with the ending of the World War II .CAUSES: Caused by conflicts between the U.S. and the USSR(苏联) arose basically from their separate concepts of postwar(战后的) world order.THE DIFFERENT POLICY: During the Cold War, the U.S. government would support any ...
the end和ending的区别:(1)the end是强调“已经结束”这一状态,也就是电影放尽后你所看到的“the end”;(2)ending强调“怎样结束”这一过程,如问故事是怎样结局的?怎样收场的?请看朗文对这两个词的定义:END: a situation in which something is finished or no longer exists ENDING: ...
Andrei Grachev, the political adviser and the last official spokesman of the Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, describes the Soviet and more specifically Gorbachev's own motivations for ending the Cold War in this interesting, though regrettably only mildly convincing work which chronologically details ...
Turning Points in Ending the Cold War 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 Kiron K. Skinner is the W. Glenn Campbell Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. She also is an associate professor of history and political science at Carnegie Mellon University. Turning Points...