What are the symptoms of the red death? Pain, dizziness, pores bleeding Who is Prince Prospero? The prince of the kingdom who is always happy, even when everyone is getting killed. He has a liking for things that are different.
15. What caused the Panic of 1837, and what was done by the president to try and end it? The panic of 1837 was caused by rampant overspeculation and other schemes of getting rich quickly. Jackson also caused it with the Bank War and the Specie Circular. The failure of crops helped the...
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Submited: 2024-04-01 21:30 EmperorTigerstar mapped a war that was technically real but most people would think is a made up April Fools joke. 47 0 guessthe.gameSubmited: 2024-04-01 21:29 GuessTheGame now has guessers ask a natural language model for hints instead of judging on ...
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What finally lifted the U.S. out of the Great Depression?Military spending by the United States to prepare for WW2. How effective was the New Deal in ending the Great Depression quizlet? - New Deal spending led to increases in the national debt. - The NewDeal did not end the Great Dep...
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