网络释义 1. 郊区居民的结尾 郊区居民的结尾 (The End of Suburbia)|基于2个网页 2. 郊区的终结 Case... ... Case Discussion II:Who Is He ?1 案例讨论(二):他是谁? Case Study:The End of Suburbia?2 0案例学习:郊区…|基于2个网页...
In the past decade there has been a steadily increasingly groundswell of opinion suggesting that suburbia is rapidly heading towards a decline of hitherto unimaginable magnitude. Writing in 2001 about the looming peak in world oil production, geologist Kenneth Deffeyes noted, 'The experts' scenario ...
THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream 2004加拿大社會 纪录片 导演:Gregory Greene 简介: 第二次世界大战以来,北美人在郊区投资了大量新发现的财富。它承诺了一种空间感、负担能力、家庭生活和向上流动。在...
导演: Gregory Greene 原名: THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream 上映日期: 2004-01-12 简体中文名: 郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭 imdb编号: tt0446320 类型: 纪录片 语言: 英语 又名: 郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭©...
中文名:The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream 英文名: 地区:美国,加拿大 导演: Greg Greene Gregory Greene 主演: Steve Andrews Ali Samsam Bakhtiari Peter Calthorpe Colin Campbell Julian Darley Kenneth Deffeyes Richard Heinberg Michael Klare James Howard Kunstler Mi...
Escape from Suburbia: Beyond the American Dream的剧情简介· ··· Suburbia, and all it promises, has become the American Dream. With brutal honesty and a touch of irony, The END of SUBURBIA explored the American Way of Life and its prospects as the planet enters the age of Peak Oil. ...
看到了吗 That'stheendoflifeasweknowit. 这便是我们所知的生命的终结 Yeah,it'stheendoftheworld... 是这就是世界的终结 theactualapocalypse. 真正的启示录降临了 AndwhereamI? 你问我在哪儿 I'mdeepunderthesuburbsofsuburbia, 我在郊区边缘的地下深处 watchingitontelly. 通过电视看着这一切 Oneminutenow...
‘Bling Empire’ Star Lynn Ban Had Brain Surgery After Skiing Accident: ‘In a Blink of an Eye, Life Can Change’ 12/31/2024 by Matt Minton Variety - TV News Abbott Elementary and It’s Always Sunny Characters Fight and Flirt (!) in Trailer for Crossover Episode ...
The new low-cost suburbia, wrote Robert Bruegmann in his compact history of sprawl, “provided the surest way to obtain some of the privacy, mobility and choice that once were available only to the wealthiest and most powerful members of society.” The urban gentry and intelligentsia, though...
郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭 THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream的剧照 按喜欢排序 ·按尺寸排序·按时间排序