Kant, Immanuel. "The End of All Things". Perpetual Peace and Other Essays. Trans. Ted Hamphrey. Indianapolis: Hacket Publishing, 1983.The End of All Things." In Perpetual Peace and Other Essays on Politics, History, and Morals, translated by Ted Humphrey,93-103, Indianapolis: Hackett, ...
Kant and the end of warPalgrave MacmillanHowardWilliamsWilliams, H. (2012). Kant and the end of war: A critique of just war theory (pp. 85–86). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
The End of the Perpetual War: [Editorial] They examine Kant'sidea of perpetual peace and its development by the theorists of"discourse ethics" and of "cosmopolitandemocracy." The true solution to the problem of securingpeace and protecting human rights can be achieved not by ... TE Board 被...
According to Kant, the division of the categories “is not the result of a search after pure concepts undertaken at haphazard,” but is derived f
The Secret Life of Bees The Secret In Their Eyes The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty The Seeker Seeking a Friend for the End of the World Seneca Senseless Sex Drive Shadows Shall We Dance? Shark Night She’s All That Shiva Baby Showtime ...
The film focused particularly on the struggle of Paul Brenner, who sold nothing at the end of the film and was frustrated. The film received acclaim when first release, one of them, maybe the most ardent one, film critic Vincent Canby wrote that “ It's such a fine, pure picture of ...
a.(in the writings of Kant) the unification of one concept with another not contained in it. Compareanalysis7 b.the final stage in the Hegelian dialectic, that resolves the contradiction between thesis and antithesis [C17: via Latin from Greeksunthesis,fromsuntithenaito put together, from syn...
【参考资料】Friedrich Nietzsche(弗里德里希·尼采)《Twilight of the Idols 》《偶像的黄昏》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ———
A variant of the first formulation, known as The Formula of the Law of Nature (FLN)-“So act as if the maxim of your action were to become through your will a universal law of nature”. The second formulation, known as The Formula of Humanity as End in Itself (FH)-“Act so that ...
Things in Themselves: The Historical Lessons MOLTKE S. GRAM 1. KANT'S THEORYOFTHINGS1NTHEMSELVEShas been unfortunate in most of its critics. They do not state the theory properly because they assimilate it to something it is not. They then succeed in refuting one or another theory which Kant...