First, let's try to understand the sense in which the word "justifies" is used in the familiar statement that "the end justifies the means." After that we can consider the problem you raise about whether it is all right to employ any means - good or bad - so long as the end is ...
“The end justifies the means.” Definition: An expression that says an individual, group, or nation is justified in taking action, even if it’s morally questionable, to reach a goal or objective Context: Many people believe that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II ...
In such instances, individuals may rationalize their actions by convincing themselves that the end justifies the means, or that everyone else is engaging in similar behavior. However, it is essential to recognize that compromising integrity can have far-reaching consequences, not only for the ...
My first hope, if it wasn’t clear at the start of this essay, is that enough people get mad enough at health theater to effectively call for its end. We need to release the restrictions on social and commercial activities, and we need to do it yesterday. I understand that zero interes...
the end justifies the means :even wrong or unfair methods may be allowed if the result or purpose of the action is good justifiable / dstfabl / adj that can be justified 可证明 20、为正当的; 有理由的: eg justifiable homicide, killing in self-defence正当杀人(如出於自卫).,justification /...
What a well thought out and written summary of the sad state of affairs this “War on Terror” has led us. I am so sick of idiot’s “the end justifies the means” and “won’t somebody think of the children” rhetoric. Thank you for speaking the truth, and refusing to propogate mo...
That which excuses; that which extenuates or justifies a fault. If eyes were made for seeing.Then beauty is its own excuse for being. Excuse A defense of some offensive behavior or some failure to keep a promise etc.; He kept finding excuses to stay Every day he had a new alibi for ...
Tom Perriello’s ideologies espouse the Machiavellian principle in which “the end justifies the means.” In essence, unethical, morally reprehensible, criminal and contemptuous behaviour is justified in order to, in Perriello’s words, “expand the use of force t...
He talks about a ship's voyage—and this is one of the most famous bits of the essay—how the best voyage is made up of zigzag lines. Up close, it seems a little all over the place, but from farther away the true path shows, and in the end it justifies all the turns along the...
Difficulties faced in citing multiple references while considering the word limit of an essay; Importance of adequate referencing to students.McCallBeckyEBSCO_AspTimes Higher Education SupplementMcCall (2006) 'When degrees are seen as a means to an end, anything justifies getting the mark' THES ...