the electronic journa the electronic numeri the elements of great the elephant gate the elevator operator the elliott wave the email sending pro the embarrassment of the embedded ego pers the emergence of the the emergency form the emmigrants letter the emotion machine the emperor almost su the ...
What follows here is an ultra-distilled description of the dynamics that I saw in studying the rises and declines of the last three reserve currency empires (the Dutch, the British, and the American) and the six other significant empires (Germany, France, Russia, India, Japan, and China) o...
Charles W. Ingrao traces its emergence as a military and cultural power of enormous influence. In doing so, he unravels a web of social, political, economic and cultural factors that shaped the Habsburg monarchy during the period.
” or “bodies.” The physical body perishes at the end of each incarnation, but there is also a Body of Enjoyment (corresponding, I believe, to the Western idea of an “astral body”), and a Body of Ultimate
(Historical Terms) the westernmost of the two empires created by the division of the later Roman Empire, esp after its final severance from the Eastern Roman Empire (395 ad). Also called:Western Empire Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Pu...
Save the Children, any of several independent, voluntary organizations that seek to provide both disaster and long-term aid to disadvantaged children throughout the world. The original organization, Save the Children Fund, was founded in Great Britain in
The Emergence of Direct Cinema---Maysles Brothers and Salesman The most often heard description of direct cinema shooting was “fly on the wall”. Filmmakers tried to be as least interventionist as possible, they disguised themselves from the subjects of which they were shooting, so, they ...
empire in the 18th century; Nation as the sovereign people; Delegation of power on kings to apply laws emanating from the general will; Distinction of empires from nations; Absolutism and the rising bourgeoisie as factors in the emergence of nations; Reconciliation of the particular and the ...
This separation of culture and nation severed the heritage of the Orient from its original cultural hearth in "China"(支那 rather than 中國) and thus allowed a reconciliation of the precocity of Chinese culture with its later decline and Japan's emergence as the driving force of "modernity" ...
(2) the emergence of a new social elite distinguished by a novel set of cultural and literary practices; (3)出现了通常采用分离的,世袭制的军事人口和新的军事组织; (3) the appearance of a discrete, often hereditary, military population and new military institutions; (4)朝廷在军事力量的支撑下逐...