I am delighted to welcome you to the official website of the Embassy of the Republic of Kenya in Tokyo, Japan. The site has been designed to inform and offer assistance to our clients. It presents useful sectoral information on Kenya regarding trade, investment, tourism, agriculture, and furt...
The Embassy of Japan in the UAE is only authorised to accept applications and issue visas to expatriates residing in Al Ain or Abu Dhabi. Those living in other emirates must submit their applications at the Consulate General of Japan in Dubai. Apply Online You can apply for a single-entry t...
Book an appointmentat the Embassy of Japan in the UK² - it’s in London, but there’s also the Consulate General of Japan in Edinburgh for applicants living in Scotland Complete theVisa Application Formand bring it with you to your appointment ...
地址:日本国东京都港区元麻布3-4-33 3-4-33 MOTO-AZABU, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN 邮编:106-0046 电话:0081-3-3403-3388 传真:0081-3-3403-3345 0081-3-3403-5447(领事部) 网址:http://www.china-embassy.or.jp http://jp.china-embassy.org http://jp.chineseembassy.org 电子邮箱:INFO[ta]CHINA...
Fiji and Japan share strong bonds of friendship and collaboration which, spans well over 50 years of diplomatic relations. The Embassy of Japan in Fiji and the Fiji Embassy in Japan work in partnership to advance the common aspirations and interests of both the nations at the global and regiona...
中国驻日本国大使馆(EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN JAPAN) 联系电话:0081-3-3403-3388 网站地址:进入网上办事大厅 办公地址:日本国东京都港区元麻布3-4-33 I3-4-33 MOTO-AZABU, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN 办公时间:工作日 8:30-12:00;14:00-17:00 ...
cuisine closer to India. With the two Asian countries having a lot in common in terms of cultural heritage, cuisine can certainly be a binding factor. According to the Embassy of Japan in India such efforts for the promotion of Japanese food among Indian people will continue in the future ...
Consular section of the South Korean Embassy Address 1-7-32, Minami-Azabu Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0047 Japan Telephone (+81) 3 3455 2601 / 3 Office hours Monday: 09:00-12:00 & 13:30-16:00 Tuesday: 09:00-12:00 & 13:30-16:00 ...
On July 6, Wen Desheng, editor of the magazine,interviewed Chief Minister, Noriyuki Shikata, ofJapanese embassy in China. The interview mainlyfocused on the Chief Minister's views on Chinaand the contemporary China-Japan relationship.The main content is as follows.zhang ying译国际交流:英文版...
阁僚リスト - Embassy of Japan in the Sultanate of Oman_其它考试_资格考试/认证_教育专区。閣僚リスト 平成24年11月現在 ●各閣僚の序列は、2011年3月7日に発出された国王勅令第31号の記載順に従 った。 ●日本語での名前表記については、慣例で呼称に用いられている名前を表記した閣僚...