Hawley J ([2004] 2016) Carter, Elizabeth (1717–1806). In: Matthew HCG and Harrison B (eds). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. OUP: Oxford. Hoskins P (2015) Robert Grosseteste as Bishop of Lincoln: The Episcopal Rolls 1235-1253. Boydell and Brewer for the Lincoln Record Society: ...
the electromagnetic s the element of ancien the eleventh the elite guard the elizabeth the embedded ethernet the emblem the embryo protection the emerald hills the emergency rescue the emigrants the emims dwelt there the emirates academy the emperor meeting the emperor protects the emperorbrides the...
Elizabeth city, NE New Jersey 07201*; pop. 110,002.Elk Grove Village vill., NE Illinois 60007; pop. 33,429.Elkhart city, N Indiana 46515*; pop. 43,627.Ellis Island isl., upper New York Bay; former site of US immigration station, now a museum about immigration....
The antipronominal restrictions of existential-presentational and other inversion constructions are complex when studied in depth (English, Kayne1979; Birner and Ward2003; Deal20092017), and those of the systems here seem similar (Icelandic, Thráinsson2007: Ch. 6; Finnish, Hakulinen et al.2004;...
The school has as its aim to "qualify every student for entrance to university, provide a well‐rounded education based on mastery of English and mathematics, enable acquisition of a second language, train students for logical reasoning and critical thinking, prepare students for sustained intellectua...
PISA: Programme for international student assessment SACMEQ: The Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality SES: Socioeconomic status SMD: Standardized mean difference TALIS: Teaching and learning international survey
Maybe you know some well-known buildings, such as the Great Wall, the Great Hall of the People, the Leaning Tower of Pisa.But do you know the Royal Academy of Arts? Lying in the heart of London, the Royal Academy of Arts is an independent fine arts institution(机构)which supports moder...
Elizabeth Lady Grey arrives at court to plead for the lands of her deceased husband. King Edward, surveying the comely Lady Grey, suggests an “exchange,” one that the Lady is either too daft or too coy to hear at first. LADY GREY ...
In the classroom setting, social context and self-systems affect student engagement for school success. Students’ perceived goal orientation of their
Emma Elizabeth Spurlock, Paschalis Steiropoulos, Kurt Straif, Ranjeeta Subedi, Mu'awiyyah Babale Sufiyan, Rizwan Suliankatchi Abdulkader, Saima Sultana, Viktória Szerencsés, Miklós Szócska, Seidamir Pasha Tabaeian, Rafael Tabarés-Seisdedos, Mohammadreza Tabary, Takahiro Tabuchi, Hooman Tadbiri...