【英字】【纪录片.BBC.埃尔金石雕.The.Elgin.Marbles.2004】埃尔金石雕(Elgin Marbles),古希腊大理石雕精品,原藏于帕特农神庙和雅典卫城。1801年英国埃尔金伯爵将这些浮雕运往英国,最后藏于大英博物馆。 Ar...
埃尔金大理石雕(The Elgin Marbles) 埃尔金大理石雕的得名来自一为将石雕偷偷运出希腊的英国贵族。托马斯·布鲁斯(Thomas Bruce),他是埃尔金第七世勋爵,同时也是驻奥特曼帝国(Ottoman Empire)的大使,因为托马斯开始倾心于帕特农神庙(Parthenon)里一幅幅的古代石雕作品,他便从1901年,开始偷偷的将石雕取下,运回英国。
Elgin was heavily interested in Greek history and claimed he had the permission of the Ottomans, the people ruling Athens during his service, to gather his collection. After acquiring the marbles, he transported them to Britain, although one shipment sank during transit; it was fully recovered. ...
Over the course of the past two hundred years, the artifacts have come to be known as the Elgin Marbles and due to questions surrounding their provenance, they form one of the most controversial subjects in the study of the classical world. The present paper reviews the...
The Elgin Marbles的剧情简介· ··· Drama-documentary in which art critic Andrew Graham-Dixon tells the story of the greatest cultural controversy of the last 200 years. He explores the history of the Elgin Marbles, tells the dramatic story of their removal from Athens and cites the arguments...
Now known as the Elgin Marbles, they originally decorated the impressive Parthenon on the Acropolis, which is arguably one of the manmade wonders of the world. Such is their quality and history, the Marbles are considered by some to be the pinnacle of Greek art. Although they are now natura...
As well as their joint interest in history, films, games and scatological mishaps, Mr Novellie, who was born in South Africa and brought up on the Isle of Man—suggests he and Mr Wang share an "outside perspective". That means that ...
Its ownership of many most famous objects originating in other countries is disputed and remains the subject of international controversy through repatriation claims, most notably in the case of theElgin Marbles of Greece, and the Rosetta Stone of Eg...
词汇the-elgin-marbles 释义请查阅词条:Elgin Marbles, the 随便看 in-car incarcerate incarceration in care incarnate incarnation in case of something incautious incendiary incense incensed incentive incentivize inception incessant incessantly incest incestuous ...
Elgin marbles pl n (Antiques) a group of 5th-century bc Greek sculptures originally decorating the Parthenon in Athens, brought to England by Thomas Bruce, seventh Earl of Elgin (1766–1841), and now at the British Museum Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014...