The official The Elf on the Shelf® Santa's Store has year-round fun from The Elf on the Shelf® box set to huggable Plushee Pals® and more. Shop today!
What is The Elf on the Shelf®? The original elf, with its red and white suit, has been featured in films, on the stage, and even in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. In homes, The Elf on the Shelf Scout Elf serves as a catalyst for joy as each adoptable Scout Elf, complete...
The Elf on The Shelf的IP形象归属于CCAANDB, LLC公司。该公司推出的主要产品包括玩偶、书籍、饰品等The Elf on The Shelf周边产品。在每年的圣诞节旺季,这些产品都是市场上的热销款。在亚马逊美国站,搜索“The Elf on The Shelf”能找到大量相关产品,曾经部分产品甚至位居毛绒玩具类目的Best Seller榜榜首。 案件...
The Elf on The Shelf的IP形象归属于CCAANDB, LLC公司。该公司推出的主要产品包括玩偶、书籍、饰品等The Elf on The Shelf周边产品。在每年的圣诞节旺季,这些产品都是市场上的热销款。在亚马逊美国站,搜索“The Elf on The Shelf”能找到大量相关产品,曾经部分产品甚至位居毛绒玩具类目的Best Seller榜榜首。 官网...
The Elf on the Shelf圣诞精灵发起维权 案件号24-cv-05473 THE SLADKUS LAW GROUP律所代理The Elf on the Shelf圣诞精灵发起商标+版权维权;案件起诉时间是11月27日,终于该品牌方还是赶在圣诞节前发起维权了;目前得知该品牌方已经冻结了259家店铺,卖家们速查下架!案件信息:起诉时间:2024.11.27 案件号:24-...
在圣诞节的欢庆氛围中,The Elf on The Shelf(书架上的精灵)作为一款备受欢迎的节日IP,占据了美国市场的重要位置。然而,近期有跨境卖家因侵犯该品牌的商标和版权而收到了TRO通知,跨境店铺被冻结,案件号为24-cv-5473。这无疑给正在圣诞旺季火热售卖该品类的卖家们敲响了警钟。
We’ve launched The Elf on the Shelf®Santaverse™, with all the fantastical characters you’ve come to love under one new brand name you can trust. Here the Scout Elves, Elf Pets, Elf Mates, Extraordinary Noorah, Bogies, and SnoBiggies have all united to deliver epic levels of Chri...
THE SLADKUS LAW GROUP律所代理The Elf on the Shelf圣诞精灵发起商标+版权维权;案件起诉时间是11月27日,终于该品牌方还是赶在圣诞节前发起维权了;目前得知该品牌方已经冻结了259家店铺,卖家们速查下架! 案件…
Bought for my future grandchildren. I know that it will be a lot of fun for them because the whole concept of Elf on the Shelf is a Christmas wonder for children and can be fun for adults if they have the childlike wonder for Christmas. I wish it was around when my Son ...
在圣诞节的欢庆氛围中,The Elf on The Shelf(书架上的精灵)作为一款备受欢迎的节日IP,占据了美国市场的重要位置。然而,近期有跨境卖家因侵犯该品牌的商标和版权而收到了TRO通知,跨境店铺被冻结,案件号为24-cv-5473。这无疑给正在圣诞旺季火热售卖该品类的卖家们敲响了警钟。