The Elements of Teaching 精读结束,历时10天,共30小时,平均一天3小时,包括自行看书预习,听讲解视频(视频讲解给书增加了很多内容,感谢崔冕老师平均每章给了1.5小时的讲解) 马上就是教师节,分享这本教育类好书给大家,可不仅仅是老师应该读这本书,作为学生的我们,做家长的,以及一切教人、和人沟通的职业都可以看看。
the elements of teaching燕Amber 5088166 前言:对于英语老师开讲,英文原版图书必须列入读书重要书目 一年从两本开始做起 方式:我会在喜马拉雅进行中英文的讲解,一是可以留存,二是可以内省。本书介绍 :教学元素这本书,业内强推。教学不仅仅是科学也是艺术。而且,这个老头子,本身老学究,所以用词非常优美,对于英语学习...
The Elements of Teaching共有 10 条,也就是教师应有的职业素养:Learning/Authority/Ethics/Order/Imagination/Compassion/Patience/Tenacity/Character/Pleasure。我从中选了几条,有摘抄也有我的心得。 1. Learning & Order ...teachers are and must be thinkers in their own right, not just doers who happen to...
From Library Journal Augmenting and reprising their earlier Elements of Teaching, Banner (formerly Princeton Univ.) and Cannon (formerly Manhanttanville Coll.) outline the 12 qualities students should possess to get the most out of their educational experience (Part 1) and the who's, what's, ...
The Elements of Teaching The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People The Catcher in the Rye Learning How to Learn 《余墨集》 Small Teaching Thinking Better 《5%的改变》 《撒哈拉的故事》《闹学记》 The Razor's Edge Asking the Right Questions ...
Anyone contemplating teaching as a profession should consider compassion as a measure of suitability. The physical and emotional toll exacted by teaching will be too much for those lacking it; better by far that they leave the care of the ignorant multitudes to those who find their difficulties ...
weizhang28创作的外语有声书作品全英the elements of teaching,目前已更新0个声音,收听最新音频章节null。Theelementsofteaching
The Elements of Teaching Writing豆瓣评分:0.0 简介:Drawing on their extensive experience training instructors in all disciplines to incorporate writing in their courses, Gottschalk and Hjortshoj provide time-saving strategies and practical guidance in
The Elements of Teaching 最近几天会将这本书中我觉得好的段落摘抄出来,制成音频。 这本书我去年读过一遍,这次是第二次读。好像是耶鲁出版社的,写得很好,文章中很多写作的修辞和逻辑方法如果熟读后记于心中,日后一定可以成为自己的东西,拿出来用。 我喜欢晨读,虽然说是晨,但其实我觉得朗读不分时间段,一天中...