Apart from these elements, the structure of the story, a clever use of symbolism and contrast, and the overall stagecraft are some of the other important elements of drama. Thestructure of the storycomprises the way in which it is dramatized. How well the actors play their roles and the st...
The elements of drama provide a useful checklist for students and teachers working on student performance. As the elements are the building blocks of a performance, teachers will find it invaluable to focus on each of them when diagnosing problems with a performance. When students become skilled ...
14The-Elements-of-DramaPPT优秀课件 AnIntroductiontoDrama 戏剧导论 1 Whatisdrama???Adramaisaworkofliteratureoracompositionwhichdescribslifeandhumanactivitybymeansofpresentingvariousactionsof,anddialoguesbetweenagroupofcharacters.Anditisdesignedfortheatricalpresentation.Twomanifestationsofaplay (1)Itisaliterarywork,an...
The Elements of Drama Drama Comes from the Greek Word, “Dran” = “To do” or “To Act” A story told in front of an audience. Elements of Drama Playwright the author of a play Actors the people who perform Acts the units of action Scenes parts of the acts Dramatic Speech Dialogue ...
without them, the playwright cannot tell the story. Most often, characters are their own unique identities, but, in some cases, they might be allegories orarchetypes; examples of the latter include the characters inDoctor Faustusby Christopher Marlowe and inThe Skin of Our Teethby Thornton Wilder...
Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore--And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over--like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode?
The Elements of Drama: An Intercultural PerspectiveThis chapter focuses on the elements of drama, framed around the process drama literature. It illustrates how the elements of drama can be revisited from an intercultural perspective, and possible...doi:10.1007/978-3-319-77962-1_4Piazzoli, Erika...
Drama ComesfromtheGreekWord,“Dran” Means“Todo”or“ToAct” TheDoing/ActingMakesDrama Drama… …isastorytoldinfrontofan audience ElementsofDrama Playwright-the authorofaplay Actors-thepeople whoperform Acts-theunitsof action Scenes-partsof
Free Essays from Studymode | Short stories, poetry and drama are different types of literature but they share many of the same elements. Some of the many...