a sentence that burns with energy and builds with all the impetus of a crescendo, the rollof t...
I took a course called English 8. My professor was William Strunk Jr. A textbook required for the course was a slim volume called The Elements of Style, whose author was the professor himself. The year was 1919. The book was known on the campus in those days as "the little book," wi...
读《The Element of Style》后感 知道这本书,准确地说是一本只有43页的小册子,是从徐宥博客上一篇介绍计算机科学经典书籍的文章。 徐宥说:“各位读者老大中有不少都是大学生,相信不少都参加过形形色色的英语写作培训班。如果当年您参加培训班的时候,老师没有介绍一本叫做 <The Elements of Style> (TEoS).....
读《The Element of Style》后感 知道这本书,准确地说是一本只有43页的小册子,是从徐宥博客上一篇介绍计算机科学经典书籍的文章。徐宥说:“各位读者老大中有不少都是大学生,相信不少都参加过形形色色的英语写作培训班。如果当年您参加培训班的时候,老师没有介绍一本叫做 <The Elements of Style> (TEoS) 的书...
5 The definition supplemented: another element in the new conception of history. 6 They undertook to study in the past the physiology of nations, and hoped by applying the experimental method on a large scale to deduce some lessons of real value about the conditions on which the welfare of ...
The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition的书评。其实读完这个教科书你会发现,其实英语比中文写作更加“八股文”。英文写作有一定的规律可循,或者说,规矩。这种规矩不是为了限制你的想象力,而是让你的创造更为便捷地被人理解和接受。建议大家仔细地读完。可...
5The definition supplemented: another element in the new conception of history. 6They undertook to study in the past the physiology of nations, and hoped by applying the experimental method on a large scale to deduce some lessons of real value about the conditions on which the welfare of socie...
The Elements of Style PDF is a popular Reference Book written by William Strunk Jr. The Book was originally published in 1918. It follows the genre of Reference Book, Guide Book, Academic Book etc.
原版英文书pdfenglishphrasalverbsTHEULTIMATEPHRASALVERBBOOK 原版英文书pdfbible [原版英文书pdf].augustine-theconfessions 原版英文书pdfEnglishVocabularyOrganiserwithkey The Elements of Style (Original Edition) [原版英文书pdf]EmailEnglish电子邮件常 The Elements of Style(4rd Edition) the element of style原版 ...
TheElementofStyle Foreword* THEFIRSTwriterIwatchedatworkwasmystepfather,E.B.White.Each Tuesdaymorning,hewouldclosehisstudydoorandsitdowntowritethe "NotesandComment"pageforTheNewYorker.Thetaskwasfamiliartohim— hewasrequiredtofileafewhundredwordsofeditorialorpersonal commentaryonsometopicinoroutofthenewsthat...