The recipe is the principles of art. The principles of art are an organized way that the elements of art are arranged in a work of art. The elements can be arranged in a work to produce balance, harmony, unity, rhythm, proportion, variety, emphasis, and movement. So the principles of...
Form - an element of art, means objects that have three dimensions. I like to think of form as a 3-D shape Geometric forms have specific names associated with them and are typically man-made. Organic forms do not have specific names associated with them and are often associated with natura...
Line - element of art. In terms of art, line can be described as a moving dot. Line is perhaps the most basic element of drawing. Line Variation - the use of a variety of line including width, length, texture, thickness, etc. to add interest to a drawing or painting. Length - line...
Form - an element of art, means objects that have three dimensions. I like to think of form as a 3-D shape Geometric forms have specific names associated with them and are typically man-made. Organic forms do not have specific names associated with them and are often associated with natura...
Texture - element of art that refers to the way an object feels to the touch or looks as it may feel. 3-D Texture - refers to the way an object feels to the touch 2-D Texture- refers to the way an object looks as it may feel Visual texture - the illusion of a 3-D surface...
Form, another element of art, differs from shape in that forms have length, width, and height. Types of Shapes All shapes will fall into one of two categories. Shapes are either geometric or organic. Geometric (or Regular) Shapes Geometric shapes or regular shapes are easy to recognize. Usu...
Value - The Element of Shadow The word "value" is used a lot around this site and with good reason. Value is one of the seven elements of art. Value deals with the lightness or darkness of a color. Since we see objects and understand objects because of how dark or light they are, ...
Color may be the element of art that has the strongest effect on our emotions. Color is great for creating the mood and atmosphere of an artwork. Three main characteristics of color to consider are hue (red, green, blue, etc.), value (how light or dark it is), and intensity (how ...
Space - element of art, refers to the emptiness or area between, around, above, below, or within objects PositiveSpace - the shapes or forms of interest Negative Space - the empty space between the shapes or forms 3-D Space can be defined as the space over, under, through, behind, ...
Art would be sunk without line, sometimes known as "a moving point." While line isn't something found in nature, it is absolutely essential as a concept to depicting objects and symbols, and defining shapes. Texture is another element, like form or space, that can be real (run your fing...