NotSupportedError: The element has no supported sources 是一个常见的浏览器错误,它表明尝试在一个媒体元素(如 <audio> 或<video> 标签)中加载的媒体资源无法被浏览器识别或支持。这通常意味着媒体文件的类型、格式或编码方式不被当前浏览器所支持。 可能导致这个错误的常见原因 错误的文件路径或URL...
可能是你的资源跨域造成的。检查下你的音频资源Referrer Policy是否设置了strict-origin-when-cross-origin...
video视频ios报The element has no supported sources,安卓提示无法继续播放(-9001) ...
`audio.mts:264 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: The element has no supported sources.` Chrome media internals output RunSegmentParserLoop: stream parsing failed. append_window_start=0 append_window_end=inf Error Group: PipelineStatus Error Code: 16 Stacktrace: media\filters\
音乐文件是存放在项目本地文件夹内的,但是播放就会报错: [Vue-APlayer] NotSupportedError: The element has no supported sources. Yuban32commentedJul 8, 2020 我也遇到这个问题,你在src:这里加上require即可 例如,src:require(./common/music/冯曦妤 - A Little Love.mp3)...
你们播放这个视频的时候 这个dom节点还没有加载起来 自然就会报错 然后执行视频播放的时候 settimeout ...
首先不要一直纠结是什么原因 H5打不开就微信开发者工具打开 一般正常的格式是可以在 微信开发者工具上预览出来的 其他格式 如果微信开发者工具也提示错误 那就真机预览 先真机预览 一般H5和微信开发者工具模拟器不支持!!!所以会提示这个错误 但是去预览就能在手机上打开视频了 ...
I’m thinking, This: streamType="mp3" has to go somewhere in my code. Is there a solution to get this working? I’m confused here, not quite sure how I would get it to work. Hoping someone on here will be able to figure this out because I’m stumped. system Closed Augus...
from the console, we can see it throws an errorDOMException: The element has no supported sources. Notes It above flow works in the chrome. music will play as intended, but It didn't work in chromium. I have done quite a lot of googling trying to solve this problem but none of the ...