The electronic properties of graphene stacks are discussed and vary with stacking order and number of layers. Edge (surface) states in graphene depend on the edge termination (zigzag or armchair) and affect the physical properties of nanoribbons. Different types of disorder modify the Dirac equation...
The Dirac electrons behave in unusual ways in tunneling, confinement, and the integer quantum Hall effect. The electronic properties of graphene stacks are discussed and vary with stacking order and number of layers. Edge surface states in graphene depend on the edge termination zigzag or armchair ...
石墨烯电子结构,能带结构(The electronic properties of graphene) ,graphene 的综述 微米和纳米 文献赏析 第17页 小木虫 论坛
The rise of graphene(石墨烯的兴起).pdf,PROGRESS ARTICLE The rise of graphene Graphene is a rapidly rising star on the horizon of materials science and condensed-matter physics. This strictly two-dimensional material exhibits exceptionally high crystal
We review the electronic properties of bilayer graphene, beginning with a description of the tight-binding model of bilayer graphene and the derivation of the effective Hamiltonian describing massive chiral quasiparticles in two parabolic bands at low energy. We take into account five tight-binding par...
Electronic structure and magnetic properties of thegraphene/Ni 3 Mn/Ni(111) trilayerElena Voloshina, 1,2,∗ Qilin Guo, 1,2 Beate Paulus, 2 Stefan Böttcher, 3Karsten Horn, 3 Changbao Zhao, 4,5 Yi Cui, 4,† and Yuriy Dedkov 1,‡1 Department of Physics, Shanghai University, 99...
The effect of Mn intercalation on the atomic, electronic and magnetic structure of the graphene/Cu(111) interface is studied using state-of-the-art density functional theory calculations. Different structural models of the graphene–Mn–Cu(111) interface
To prepare MLG/FePc/Si (Path 1), the lower surface (i.e., graphene) of the PMMA/MLG block was immersed in FePc-saturated ethanol solution for 20 min, during which FePc is adsorbed on the graphene. The sample was then transferred to a SiO2-coated Si substrate. The resulting PMMA/...
The recently proposed concept of graphene photodetectors offers remarkable properties such as unprecedented compactness, ultrabroadband detection, and an ultrafast response speed. However, owing to the low optical absorption of pristine monolayer graphen