THE SECRET ARMORY OF GENERAL KNOXX: Vil du have mere af Borderlands-historien og mere rov, end du overhovedet kan finde ud af, hvad du skal bruge til? Tilføjer nye våben, missioner, køretøjer og meget mere! CLAPTRAP’S NEW ROBOT REVOLUTION: Dette destruktive eventyr inviterer...
A few swings of your weapon and shots from your follower will be enough to clear most encounters inside and around the Barrow. With that said, after clearing out the three enemies, enter the door on the right to enter inside the Barrow. There will be two bandits within the first room. ...
Sometimes this may not work with just one bound weapon, so get two, and use the same process: Use the spell from both of the weapons, and then go through your cache. Contributed by:Alyas of Aerion Drain Skill Trainer Trick Using this trick will allow you to train any skill to level ...
but you break it down enough that you canclean and lubricate it. As the term suggests, this is something you might do in thefieldwhile further disassembly requiring special tools would be done back at the armory or shop. Here is how to field strip...
The Armory is a ranged weapon overhaul that modifies gun/bow tiers, magazine capacities, ammo inventory, fire rates, physics, adds a unique crafting system, multiple craft plans for guns/ammo, and CUS
As the term suggests, this is something you might do in the field while further disassembly requiring special tools would be done back at the armory or shop. Here is how to field strip an M1 Garand, disassembling it into its major components. Start, of course, with an empty rifle!
Black Ice is the new weapon manufacturing corporation on this side of the galaxy, carrying all sorts of cryo-themed weapons. They’ve got icy handguns, shotguns, missiles – and freezing munition for all of your weapons as well. They also have some really nice branded furniture you’ll lo...
Elder Scrolls Onlinewas an attempt to find aWoW Classicalternative in caseCataclysmwas as bad as we thought it might be. The jury is still out onCataclysm, it isn’t as bad as possible, but it still isn’t great, butElder Scrolls Onlinefelt so empty and generic… and gray, so very ...
he panted, hanging from the weapon between her hands. She lurched forward, trying to drive him into the ground, but his legs untwined in a twinkling. Instead of smashing back-first into the turf, his feet came down running and, before she could even think to let go of his stick, he...
Your armory is a sprawling arsenal. Your body is enhanced with a dozen customizable augments to run on walls and leap over chasms. Your cyber-mastiff will sniff out and kill enemies for you, while your grappling hook allows quick, agile traversal of the massive environments. - An...