The Elder Scrolls Online Upgrade: Necrom Bethesda Softworks 18+ 极度暴力 用户交互 游戏内购买(包括随机道具) 遨游晨风省的泰尔瓦尼半岛,造访神秘莫测的外典之境,守护此地独有的秘密。解锁全新职业“奥术师”的符文之力,为维护现实而奋勇作战。 购买新章节升级包即可获得《死灵之地》章节,需要拥有《上古...
須有『The Elder Scrolls Online Standard Edition』(基礎版遊戲)才可遊玩『The Elder Scrolls Online Upgrade: Necrom』。 「NECROM」 解鎖全新職業:掌握阿波科法的祕密與赫麥尤斯.莫拉的禁忌知識獨霸一方。奧術師是強大的新職業,可透過奧術、古老符文和失落的力量之書,發動毀滅、恢復和防禦法術。 全新地區:探索...
The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom Upgrade (Add On) Bethesda Softworks 18+ 极度暴力 用户交互 遨游晨风省的泰尔瓦尼半岛,造访神秘莫测的外典之境,守护此地独有的秘密。解锁全新职业“奥术师”的符文之力,为维护现实而奋勇作战。 购买新章节升级包即可获得《死灵之地》章节,需要拥有《上古卷轴OL:标准...
The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road (Add On)The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom Upgrade (Add On)The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle UpgradeThe Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood Upgrade (Add On)The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor UpgradeThe Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr Upgrade (2019)The Elder ...
The Elder Scrolls Online Upgrade: Necrom Includes the Necrom Chapter (available at launch in June) The Collection is great if you’re a brand-new player or an existing player who has missed some of the previous Chapters. It provides access to the base game, the new Necrom content, and ...
The Elder Scrolls Online Deluxe Upgrade: Necrom requires The Elder Scrolls Online Standard Edtition (base game) to play. NECROM** UNLOCK THE NEW CLASS - Become empowered by the secrets of Apocrypha and the forbidden knowledge of Hermaeus Mora. The Arcanist is a powerful new Class capable of ...
Those who pre-purchase The Elder Scrolls Online Upgrade: Necrom or The Elder Scrolls Online Deluxe Upgrade: Necrom will receive the Necrom Chapter - or Necrom Chapter and Deluxe items, respectively - these versions do not include the previous Chapters or the base game. ...
Immediate access to both the base game and all seven previous Chapters (Necrom, High Isle, Blackwood, Greymoor, Elsweyr, Summerset, and Morrowind)The Elder Scrolls Online Upgrade: Gold RoadIncludes the Gold Road Chapter (available at launch in June) This is the normal expansion pack that only...
In The Elder Scrolls Online, you can choose between six powerful Classes, each with three unique Skill Lines that allow you to play your way.
The Elder Scrolls Online Upgrade: Gold Road Genre: MMO / RPG (Roleplay) Rating: (9) System: Languages: *Subtitles German, English, French, Spanish* Delivery: Zenimax Key Publisher: Bethesda Softworks Flash 03:58:14 $39.99 -40% $23.99 Add to Cart Availability: in stock Choose...