Below are the eight types of intelligence identified by Gardner. As you go through each, score yourself on a scale of one (doesn't come naturally) to five (comes very naturally). 1. Spatial intelligence The ability to think abstractly and in multiple dimensions. Scoring a five me...
There are eight different types of intelligence. Each person has dominant forms of intelligence, and each type of intelligence is unique to certain people, depending on their personality, skills, and abilities. Moreover, if you are curious about your dominant intelligence, there are online tests a...
First, implicit theories of intelligence drive the way in which people perceive and evaluate their own intelligence and that of others. To better understand the judgments people make about their own and others’ abilities, it is useful to learn about people’s implicit theories. For example, pare...
The Eight One: Naturalistic Intelligence - Morris - 2004Morris, M. (2004). The eight one: Naturalistic intelligence. In J.L. Kinchloe (Ed.), Multiple Intelligences Reconsidered. New York: Peter Lang.Wilson, L.O. 1997. The Eighth Intelligence: Naturalistic Intelligence, available online at ...
the insulted the integrity of the the intelligence quot the interaction betwe the interactive model the interest rate mar the intermediate clas the intern the international ass the international div the international emi the international imp the international obf the international of the international re...
Evenwithbraking,it?stoolatetoavoidacrash.Sothecar?sartificialintelligencemustdecide whethertotakeasharpturn.Tosavethepedestrians,shouldthecarswerve(突然转向)offthe roadorswerveintooncomingtraffic? Whatifsuchoptionswouldlikelykillthecar?spassengers? Researchersused onlinesurveystostudy people?sattitudesaboutsuchsi...
Leading companies combat this troubling tendency in a number of ways. They up their game in market intelligence, the better to separate signal from noise. They establish funding vehicles for new businesses that don’t fit into the current structure. They constantly reevaluate their position in the...
I would say that my thinking type is much more open as a result of these experiences. It seems to me that my practices have also helped me better understand the connection betweenmemory and intelligence. Overall, exploring your own personality type lets you use all of the thinking types we’...
人 们夸耀自己最擅长,最能给自己带来优势的东西是很自然的,While this is broadly true of all universities, elite schools, precisely because their students (and faculty, and administrators) possess this one form of intelligence to such a high degree, are more apt to ignore the value of others. ...
It might sound like you’re the exploring type, but you tend to be introverted.You prefer to read and write rather than expressing your thoughts out loud.In others, you appreciate intelligence and look up to people that inspire you.