pdf,mobi,epub,txt,百度云盘|百度网盘|免费下载|电子书下载|电子版全集|免费阅读|在线阅读|精校版|扫描|阿里云盘|Kindle|资源|ed2k|微盘,简介:The Egyptian Books of the Dead is unquestionably one of the most influential books in all of history。 Embodying a ritual
THEPAPYRUSOFANI (THEEGYPTIANBOOKOFTHEDEAD) TranslatedbyE.A.WallisBudge HYMNTOOSIRIS "Homagetothee,Osiris,Lordofeternity,KingoftheGods,whose namesaremanifold,whoseformsareholy,thoubeingofhiddenformin thetemples,whoseKaisholy.ThouartthegovernorofTattu (Busiris),andalsothemightyoneinSekhem(Letopolis).Thou...
THE PAPYRUS OF ANI (THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD) 2401 BC Translated by E.A. Wallis Budge HYMN TO OSIRIS - "Homage to thee, Osiris, Lord of eternity, King of the Gods, whose names are manifold, whose forms are holy, thou being of hidden form inthe temples, whose Ka is holy. ...
The Egyptian Book of the DeadArcturus Publishing Ltd / 2024-7-1出版 想读 在读 读过 简介 这本豪华精装礼品版展示了“埃及亡灵书”,装饰有原始的全彩插图和模版页边。这本书包含古老的咒语和祈祷,旨在引导逝者度过来世的危险,走向永恒的存在。这些卷轴起初是葬礼仪式的一部分,提供了对埃及文化的深刻见解。该...
For millennia, the culture and philosophy of the ancient Egyptians have fascinated artists, historians, and spiritual seekers throughout the world. This reissue of "The Egyptian Book of the Dead", a perennial favorite, features a newly designed cover. Inside, the legendary 3,500-year-old Papyrus...
The Egyptian Book of the Dead (Papyrus MacGregor)Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksFred W. Jenkins
Ancient Egyptians believed that in order to become immortal after death, a spirit must first pass through the underworld — a realm of vast caverns, lakes of fire, and magical gates. Needless to say, one needed to come prepared. But how? Tejal Gala describes an Egyptian "Book of the Dead...
英文原版 The Egyptian Book of the Dead 埃及亡灵之书 英文版 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 更多商品信息 诚研进口原版专营店 店铺星级 商品评价4.6 中 物流履约4.4 中 售后服务4.8 高 进店逛逛关注店铺
The Book of the Dead is the common name for the ancient Egyptian funerary texts known as The Book of Coming [or Going] Forth By Day. The name "Book of the Dead" was the invention of the German Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius, who published a selection of some texts in 1842. Religion...
Related to The Egyptian Book of the Dead:Tibetan book of the dead n. A collection of ancient Egyptian funerary texts from various periods, containing prayers, magic formulas, and hymns to be used by the soul of the deceased for guidance and protection on its journey to the afterlife. ...