While the exposure to trauma did not exhibit any effects on learning accuracy or response time for positive or negative feedback, MEG cortical activity was modulated in response to positive feedback. In particular, the medial and lateral orbitofrontal cortices (mOFC and lOF...
The effects of trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on the emotion-induced memory trade-off. Kensinger Elizabeth A.The effects of trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on the emotion-induced memory trade-off.Frontiers in integrative... R Katherine,M Steinmetz,...
effectsimpactpainstoriesThis article will attempt to critically analyse various aspects of the state of trauma. It will analyse the impact, consequences and effects of trauma resultant from excommunication of clergy and how the practice has been handed down through the ages. The ultimate aim of ...
This study examined vicarious traumatization (i.e., the deleterious effects of trauma therapy on the therapist) in 188 self-identified trauma therapists. Participants completed questionnaires about their exposure to survivor clients' trauma material as well as their own psychological well-being. Those...
Understanding the Effects Of Trauma on Lives of Offenders.The article discusses the widespread number of trauma histories of individuals incarcerated in prisons and jails. Up to 85% of women prisoners experience physical and/or sexual abuse early in their lives, the author indicates, while many ...
Joseph, L (2006) The effects of mass trauma on children of different developmental stages: Examining PTSD in children affected by Hurricane Ivan and Hurricane Katrina. Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology. Palo Alto University, Palo Alto, CA
main and interaction effects of childhood trauma and the maoa uvntr polymorphism on psychopathy.[2018][psychoneuroendocrinology][10.1016j.psyneuen. 热度: Gender Differences in the Effects of Strain on the Delinquency of South Korean Youth.
The winner of many prestigious prizes (Oscar for the best foreign language film, Grand Prize of the Cannes Film Festival, and the Golden Globe among them), the Hungarian film, Son of Saul – according to most critics – represents the Holocaust trauma in a completely new and intriguing way....
indicates that this relationship is stronger in youth with a specific pattern of brain activation that may make them more vulnerable to the effects of trauma. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Access Nature and 54 other Nature Portfolio journals...