Holt NS. The effects of sugar-free vs sugar-rich beverages on feelings of fullness and subsequent food intake. Int J Food Sci Nutr 2000; 51: 59-71.Holt SH, Sandona N & Brand-Miller JC (2000) The effects of sugar-free vs sugar-rich beverages on feelings of fullness and sub- sequent...
Uncover the impact of sugar on your teeth with our informative guide. Learn about the effects of sugar on dental health, including cavities and gum issues.
Objective.—To examine the effects of sugar on the behavior or cognition of children by using meta-analytic techniques on reported studies. Data Sources.—Studies were identified through a literature search of the MEDLINE and PsychINFO databases and the authors' files using sugar, sucrose, and atte...
Sucrose is the main sugar used in short dough biscuit formula, and it plays an important role in the biscuit manufacturing as well as in the biscuits final quality. However, for health reasons, high levels of sucrose are undesirable, making sucrose replacement an important issue to study. The ...
This study compared the effects of equal volumes of sugar-rich and sugar-free beverages on feelings of hunger and fullness and the ad libitum consumption of a palatable, fat-rich snack. Eleven healthy males consumed equal volumes (375 mt) of three drinks (sugar-rich cola, sugar-free cola, ...
Two watermelon cultivars and rice were used to study the contents and components of the soluble sugars and free amino acids in the root exudates and their effects on the growth of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.niveum.The results obtained were listed as follows.The contents and types of soluble sugar...
@umbra21 - I seriously doubt that will ever happen. Maybe there will be junk food taxes or something like that, but I can't see how they could possibly monitor sugar production in every country. And the effects of sugar aren't that dramatic. If people would improve their diets and exerc...
The effects of sugar beet molasses on wheat straw pelleting and pellet quality. A comparative study of pelleting by using a single pellet press and a pilot-scale pellet pressThe effects of sugar beet molasses on wheat straw pelleting and pellet quality. A comparative study of pelleting by using...
An Overview of Sugar and its Effects Sugaris something we all love. While we might love coffee and the effects that caffeine has on us, we really love sugar. All by itself, sugar tastes good. But what exactly is sugar? According to the Sugar Association, sugar or sucrose is the name ...
Antagonistic effects of energy status on meal size and egg-batch size of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). The effect of sugar feeding on egg-batch size in Aedes aegypti was examined in a way that would distinguish between the roles of a recent sugar meal (full ... WM Mostowy,WA Foste...