human body— 人身 · 机体 · 躯 (human) body— 身体 使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档 随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) [...]contingency plan is concerned, to educate the public about the radioactiveeffects on the human bodyandthe emergency measures. ...
A lesser-known form of alternative healing but becoming more popular is music therapy. In the late 18th century, scientists began to investigate the effects of music on the human body; however, using music as a healing medium dates back to ancient times. There are many forms and techniques ...
On the Galápagos Islands,a body of evidence shows that the effect of our presenceis increasing.Luis F. De Leon from the University of MassachusettsBoston, together with other 6 scientists spent two yearsobserving Darwin's finches(雀科小鸟) to evaluate oureffects on their behavior. They started ...
What are the Effects of Lead Poisoning on the Human Body? If not detected early, children with high levels of lead in their bodies can suffer from: Damage to the brain and nervous system Behavior and learning problems (such as hyperactivity) ...
Effects of aging on the human body Introduction Aging is a natural process that occurs in the human body as one grows older. This process affects all systems of the body and can lead to changes in physical appearance, function, and health. This article will discuss the effects of aging on...
“The short-term benefits of naps are well established, but pinning down the relationship between naps and any specific health outcomes, long-term effects of napping, is not always simple. For example, greater daytime sleepin...
Also in 1997, Portman was cast as Padmé Amidala in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. The first film, The Phantom Menace, began filming in June 1997 and opened in May 1999.Following production on The Phantom Menace, she ...
Though a significant body of research has examineddog cognition 27 , the authors of this new study found little to warrant the 28 of work that hasbeen devoted to the topic.Stephen Lea, lead author of the new study, argues that many researchers seem to have designed their studies to 29 ...
Concise descriptions of the position, morphology, and functions of the organs of the human body stood side by side in libraries with books enabling readers to calculate the daily, seasonal and annual climatic conditions of cycles of sixty years and to understand and predict their effects on ...
The effects of lead ingestion on the body burden of DDT, liver vitamin A and microsomal enzyme activity in the rat The assessment of the body-burden of lead by means of the analysis of human hair using synchroton radiation X-ray fluorescence and micro-pixe... WEJ Phillips,DC Villeneuve,GC...