According to the result, overall globalization increases the level of internal conflict. In particular, economic globalization reduces the level of internal social conflict. However, political globalization and social globalization deteriorate the current conflict situation. Based on the empirical analysis, ...
Globalization Discontent: The Effects of Globalization on Ethnic Protest. In the wake of the Cold War political and economic forces were unleashed that culminated in a wave of ethnic conflict and civil wars on multiple continents... Naghshpour,Shahdad,S Marie,... - 《Peace Economics Peace ...
Globalization is a process that has occurred throughout time, ever since the first communities on Earth began interacting with one another. It is the process of integration and interdependencies among different nations, communities and civilizations. These days, it’s hard to imagine a world without...
In addition to economic impacts, globalization has also had profound cultural effects, reshaping the way we view and interact with the world around us. The spread of Western culture through media and technology has led to the homogenization of global culture, with traditional customs and practices ...
Globalization refers to the increase in economic activities resulting from the spread of technology, culture, and information across various countries. Moreover, globalization has increased the interdependence among nations boosting international trade....
Globalization which is undergoing in the whole world is not just an economic phenomenon , but als0 socia1. p olitical,and cultural phenomena.G lob aliz ation has effects on local culture , infl uen ces on lang uag es w e use . o u r ...
100K Discover what cultural convergence is. Explore the definition of cultural convergence, view cultural convergence examples, and compare it to cultural divergence. Related to this QuestionWhat are the negative effects of globalization? Provide examples. What are the main characteristics of globalizati...
We examine the effects of global trade integration on firm-level adoption of CSR standards as measured by the United Nations’ Global Compact Initiative. Building on policy transfer and economic institutionalism, we propose that country-level participation in trade agreements, and higher levels of regu...
This chapter examines the profound influence of international governance and globalization on the political systems of transitional states, with a particular focus on Kosovo. It examines the role of international bodies, in particular the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), in shaping local polit...
The policy debate on the financial development and dynamic of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission is topical. Globalization can affect this relationship by makin