gender-affirming healthcare consists of drugs to stop breast development, hair growth and penis development. Surgery can consist of removing breasts and a double mastectomy. For female to male transitioning surgery involves peeling the skin from the arm to create a penis, and for male to...
The goal of affirming care is to alleviate gender dysphoria, which is the distress or discomfort an individual may experience due to a mismatch between their gender identity and their biological sex, said Meaghan Duckett, the founder of This Space Belongs to You, which is a mental health coun...
Facial feminization surgery (FFS) treats gender dysphoria in transfeminine patients by addressing the facial bony and soft tissue components. Individuals seeking FFS may be taking gender-affirming hormone replacement therapy [gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT)]. This study aims to better ...
gender-affirming care has changed their lives. The majority of those with whom we spoke initiated treatment as adults but wished they had had the option as minors. All believe trans and non-binary youth deserve access to this essential health care. Here are their stories, in their own words...
While much emphasis has been put on the evaluation of gender-affirming surgery (GAS) approaches and their effectiveness, little is known about the health care needs after completion of these interventions. AIM. To assess post-GAS aftercare needs using a mixed-method approach and relate these to ...
While gender-affirming care has been associated with benefits to mental health and well-being, there are many barriers to accessing this. Telemedicine may be able to address some of these challenges. This model of care provides an easier, less costly way for trans youth to access specialized ...
inquired or responded to an inquiry about, or traveled to New Jersey or another state to obtain gender-affirming health care services, except to comply with the Interstate Medical Licensing Compact.” Gender-mangling medical professionals would also be shieldedfrom civil lawsuitshere, not ju...
“The Stolen Generations are a gap within the gap. Survivors live with the devastating effects of forced removal and continue to experience poorer health, social, and economic outcomes than other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of the same age,” Ms Turner said. ...
Laws that ban gender-affirming treatment ignore the wealth of research demonstrating its benefits for trans people’s health
In Rhoda's time, medical gatekeeping meant that she had to live "full time" as a woman and prove her suitability for gender-affirming care to a team of primarily white, cis male doctors before they would give her treatment. She had to mimic language about being "born in the wrong body...