Effect of WWI on literature as exemplified in the novels of Roger Martin du GardWarren LeRoy Anderson
Between 1910 and 1914, the Ottoman Empire was involved in four wars: the Turco-Italian, the First Balkan, the Second Balkan, and the First World War (WWI), all of which led to high war expenditures and an increased debt burden of the Ottoman Empire.2 The Turco-Italian war started on ...
We investigate the effect of a change in the sex ratio on assortative matching in the marriage market using a large negative exogenous shock to the French male population due to WWI casualties. We analyze a novel data set that links marriage-level data to both French censuses of population and...
When it comes to technology and reading, the report does little to counsel(建议) parents looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading. It does point out that many parents still limit electro...
Therefore, we conclude that, AEP latency is superior to amplitude for the effects of general anesthetics, ∆L monitors the effect of hypothermia on nerve fibers, and ∆I monitors a combined effect of anesthesia and hypothermia on synapses. When eliminating the temperature factor, ∆I monitors...
water Article The Effect of Short-Term Upwelling Events on Fish Assemblages at the South-Eastern Coast of the Baltic Sea Toma Dabuleviciene *, Deividas Jucevicius, Tomas Zolubas, Diana Vaiciute and Nerijus Nika Marine Research Institute, Klaipeda University, Universiteto Ave. 17, 92294 Klaipe...
nutrients Article The Effect of Food Unit Sizes and Meal Serving Occasions on Eating Behaviour Characteristics: Within Person Randomised Crossover Studies on Healthy Women Billy Langlet 1,*, Mona Tang Bach 2, Dorothy Odegi 2, Petter Fagerberg 1 and Ioannis Ioakimidis 1 1 Innovative use of ...
30, 2020. However, Hadley said, the effect of the entire months-long stretch of daylight saving could very well have the opposite effect. A 1998 study in Indiana before and after implementation of daylight saving time in some counties found a small increase in residential energy usage. ...
Inflation reduces a currency's purchasing power. Similarly, loss of purchasing power has the same effect of an increase in prices. To measure purchasing power in the traditional economic sense, you could compare the price of a good or service against a price index such as theConsumer Price Ind...
Similar to GraphQL, EQL works as a language to client libraries to communicate data requirements and operations, there is a good set of intersection in features between both, as: a language to describe arbitrarily nested structures support for mutations (operations to side effect the world) ...