Behavioral sciences The effect of violent video game play on emotion modulation of startle UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI - KANSAS CITY Diane L. Filion ElmoreWade RussellPrevious research investigating the effects of violent video games have repeatedlydemonstrated a connection with increased aggression. The ...
Results suggest there is a smaller effect of violent video games on aggression than has been found with television violence on aggression. This effect is positively associated with type of game violence and negatively related to time spent playing the games. Directions for future programmatic research...
playingviolentvideogamesandaggression.Theconclusionswillhelpparentsandeducatorsmake decisionsaboutwhatgamestheyallowtheirchildrenandstudentstoplay. 3 TheEffectsofViolentVideoGamesonAggression In1999,twoteenageboyscommittedoneofthemostdeadlyschoolshootingsinhistory.The boys,DylanKleboldandEricHarris,broughtgunsandother...
The causes and consequences of presence: Considering the influence of violent video games on presence and aggression The level of presence is likely to influence the effect of media violence. This project examines the causes and consequences of presence in the context of ... Nowak,KL,Krcmar,.....
Previous research, utilising the General Aggression Model (GAM), has identified that violent video games increase levels of aggression. Little is known, however, as to the effect of playing a violent video game online. Methods/Principal Findings: Participants (N€=€101) were randomly assigned to...
We investigate the relationship between the prevalence of violent video games and violent crimes. Our results are consistent with two opposing effects. First, they support the behavioral effects as in the psychological studies. Second, they suggest a larger voluntary incapacitation effect in which ...
Taylor & Francis Online :: The effect of playing violent video games on adolescents: Should parents be quaking in their boots? - Psychology, Crime & Law - ... (2007). The effect of playing violent video games on adolescents: Should parents be quaking in their boots? Psychology, Crime ...
This research was designed to explore the relationship between violent video game play and attitudes towards victims. As the violent genre of games become more popular and as the graphics and content becomes even more realistic and immersive, there has been concern that this media form offers a ...
Video game play has been incorporated into training by industries and organizations in which routine training scenarios are too dangerous or expensive. The US Army has recognized the benefits of video games for teaching skills, and has licensed the popular violent video game series Rainbow Six to ...
However, the literature is unclear as to whether or not the content of the video game influences such an effect. Some past literature has used both violent and non-violent video games in the same study (e.g., Green & Bavelier, 2003); however, we are unaware of any published study ...