Journal of Urban EconomicsMohan, R. (1982)" The Effects of Population Growth, of the Pattern of Demand, and of Technology on the Process of Urbanization. World Bank Washington,D.C.U.S.A.The Effect of Population Growth,the Pattern of Demand and Technology on the Process of Ur-banization....
Journal of Applied SciencesOramah, I. T. (2006). The effect of population growth in Nigeria. Journal of Applied Sciences.6(6): 1332-1337.Oramah IT. The Effects of Population Growth in Nigeria. J Applied Sci 2006; 6: 1332-1337.
The population is growing in the savannah area and despite the rural exodus pressure on the cultivable land is increasing significantly. This crowding of the rural space and profound changes in outlook, which are related to the change from a subsistence to a market economy, has completely ...
Explain and discuss the effect of the following situations: a. Population growth surges rapidly. b. The prices of resources used in the production of good X increase. c. The government is paying a $1-per-unit subsidy for each unit of a good produced. How do you think that the world ...
Why is density an important feature of a population? Name two reasons why population has decreased in Boston, Massachusetts and in Central California? What is the multiplier effect in macroeconomics? How do humans affect ecological succession?
The rate of population growth is fastest in underdeveloped countries.In these countries a high birthrate is accompanied by a lowered death rate thanks to improved standards of public health.Ideally it should be possible to counter balance the effect of a reduced death rate by an increased use of...
人口迁移对区域经济增长地区差异的影响分析——以陕西省为例 The Effect of Population Migration on the Regional Disparity of Economic Growth——Take Shan Xi as an Example,人口迁移对区域经济增长地区差异的影响分析——以陕西省为例 The Effect of Population Migration on the Regional Disparity of Economic ...
the level required for zero growthin the long runfor a population with low mortality. The populations of 61 countries or areas are projected todecreaseby 1 per cent or more between 2022 and 2050,owing to sustainedlow levels of fertility and, in some cases, elevated(偏高的) rates of ...
The Effect of Population Aging on Economic Growth, the Labor Force, and Productivity 2016. The effect of population aging on economic growth, the labor force and productivity, NBER Working Paper No. 22452 (Cambridge, MA, Oficina ... N Maestas,KJ Mullen,D Powell - 《American Economic Journal...
The ?rst is the effect of large populations on fossil fuel consumption—an effect that stems from the increased energy demand for power generation, industry, and transport. The second mechanism is the effect of population growth-related emissions on deforestation. The author concluded that reductions...