Parking at the nearby Edinburgh Clinic on Colinton Road for corporate hospitality (approximately 50 spaces); Ongoing discussions with local taxi firms with respect to potential discounted fares; Ongoing discussions with Lothian Buses on opportunities; A Travel Plan leaflet available to supporters providing...
Community Drug Problem Service, Royal Edinburgh Hospital, 40 Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH10 5BT, UK.Journal of Clinical Forensic MedicineGriffin, S. (1994). The extent of injecting and syringe sharing in prison reported by Edinburgh drug clinic attenders. Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, 1 ...
Road, ColintonEh, EdinburghSpectral approximations on the triangle. Owens,RG. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London . 1998Owens R G. Spectral approximation on the triangle. Proc R Soc Lond Ser A, 1998, 454: 857-872R. G. Owens , Spectral approximations on the triangle Proc. Roy. Soc...