03、还有个类似Magazinelib的网站叫 worldofmagazine:在搜索框内输入你想查找的外刊名称,比如economist,...
杂志介绍:The Economist is a Business magazine published weekly. First published in London in the year 1843, it is one of the bestselling business and finance magazines in the world. 《经济学人》是…
If this is a statement of fact, in addition to the Economist’s views of events that unfold in the world’s stage - which is typically left leaning and liberal, there needs to be a section that just reports events the way it is, as it unfolds, without adding any color to it. more...
Economist, the a weekly British journal of politics and economics. The Economist has been published in London since 1843. As a rule it supports the Conservative Party. It is intended mainly for businessmen. Circulation, more than 100,000 (1977). The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970...
2.尽量提高英语写作能力,我建议每周都读一本杂志(The Economist magazine)。我并不完全同意其中的观点,但是这是一 … www.taisha.org|基于4个网页 2. 经济家杂志 [杂志]《经济家杂志(The Economist Magazine)》2005年7月30日刊[出版社][出版日期]2005年7月30日[格式]PDF[页数]161[语… ...
2021 economist 2021the-economisteconomist-ebooksthe-economist-magazineeconomistaudio UpdatedMar 7, 2021 spaceyum/the-economist-console-code Star2 Code Issues Pull requests This code will enable you, a free subscription user, to view and read full articles without any subscription. Valid to this day...
The article reports on the eligibility of "The Economist" for the National Magazine Award. The 163-year-old British weekly magazine has had a New York based North American edition since 1985. The magazine's famous September 10, 1994 "camel" cover was among the top 40 since the National ...
The Economist经济学人杂志简介 《经济学家》(The Economist,一般译作《经济学人》)于1843年在伦敦建刊,以独立和全球化的视角着称。说它是杂志,其实它是以报纸的身份注册的。经济学家每周四晚上在世界六个地方同步印刷,每周六全球同步出版,4—5期/月,同时于当天晚些时候在网上更新最新一期的内容。经济学家是一...
2021the-economisteconomist-ebooksthe-economist-magazineeconomistaudio UpdatedMar 7, 2021 spaceyum/the-economist-console-code Star2 Code Issues Pull requests This code will enable you, a free subscription user, to view and read full articles without any subscription. Valid to this day | 1/8/2023...
Each week over 1.5 million subscribers trust The Economist to help them make sense of the world. Join them with The Economist app.Free to download...