https://lsesueconsoc.org/economics-essay-competition-2020/ 二、青年经济学家大赛 (Royal Economic Society Young Economist Essay Competition) 竞赛简介 此竞赛由英国皇家经济学会 (RES) 与《金融时报》联合赛举办的经济学论文竞赛,RES是世界最古老和最享誉盛名的经济组织之一。全世界参加A Level和高中学生都有资...
The Economist and Shell sponsor an essay competition open to anyone anywhere, but with high-end awards ($20,000 for first prize). This year 3,500 people submitted essays on "How much liberty should be sacrificed for security?" I was asked to be one of five judges....
The obituaries that appear in The Economist are remarkable because of the unpredictable selection of people to be written about, the surprising lives they lead - but also for the style in which the obituary is written. 所以,不像大多数媒体一样只报道名人,《经济学人》关注的更有“complete unknown...
更多内容,大家可参考 The Economist Style Guide 一书。 有两点《经济学人》希望自己能一直领先同行,一是分析质量,二是写作质量。以上这些写作准则,造就了《经济学人》的优美文笔。读者喜欢,同行望尘莫及。 2.形式统一 《经济学人》的文章从不署名。这是一项传统,1843年《经济学人》创立之初,创始人詹姆士·威尔逊...
The economist20120721双语精选.doc,经济学人中文网 经济学人中文网 Syria 叙利亚 Towards the endgame 走向最终决战 The world should start preparing for what comes after Syria’s President Bashar Assad 全世界应当开始准备叙利亚总统巴沙尔?阿萨德下台之后的工作了
经济学人The Economist是一份英国的英文新闻周报,分八个版本于每周五向全球发行,编辑部位于伦敦,创办于1843年9月。经济学人是一本综合性新闻评论刊物,有商业、国家和地区、经济和金融、科学和技术五大类。其中文章文风紧凑且严谨,对语言精准运用,展现出一种克制的风趣幽默,常运用双关语调侃。经济学人对于英语...
But CCT programs don't generally consider effects on the environment.In fact,poverty alleviation and environmental protection are often viewed as conflicting goals,says Paul Ferraro,an economist at Johns Hopkins University. That's because economic growth can be correlated with environmental degradation,wh...
FromThe Grumpy Economist: “I wrote this essay onBob Hall and Consumption(link goes to pdf on my webpage) for theconference in honor of Bob Hallat Hoover, November 22. It turned into a more extended history of some trends in macroeconomics, which any student of macroeconomics might find us...
尽管顾客掏出800美元品尝菜品,但是Noma的创建者René Redzepi认为该产业是不可持续的。Noma将会转型成为一个烹饪实验室,偶尔搞个快闪之夜。 英文内容节选自《The Economist》20230114期The world this week:Business 翻译与注释来源于自己