《经济学人》(2023-12-09 Leaders)绿色保护主义会减缓能源转型 ©声明:英文原文皆来自《The Economist》,译文皆为原创,旨在交流学习,译文经本人同意后可转载。转载请注明作者及来源。 Power trip 能源问题 Green protectionism will slow the energy transition绿色保护主义会减缓能源转型 Expanding renewable-power capa...
whoever is in the White House. Instead, European leaders are carrying on as if munificent Joe Biden will always be in charge. The European Union has promised Ukraine €5obn ($56bn), but the money is being held up by Hungary and, possibly, a budgetary mess in Germany. In December the...
The war may be heading for an impasse. 7.[Culture]Title:The best films of 2023——Pass the popcorn(P79) The year’s standout movies featured cattle barons,chefs,composers,physicists and whistleblowers. (Volume 449, Number 9373, NOVEMBER 25TH...
Noma将会转型成为一个烹饪实验室,偶尔搞个快闪之夜。 英文内容节选自《The Economist》20230114期The world this week:Business 翻译与注释来源于自己
published an extended essay about the state of the New York Times. Mr Bennet, formerly opinion editor at the newspaper, was forced out in 2020 after it published an op-ed by a Republican senator that upset some staff. In a new editorial The Economist considers what the case reveals about ...
NATO Review (December 2023) Superforecasters of Good Judgment Predict the World Ahead 2024 and Pharma Updates BNN (November 2023) What the “superforecasters” predict for major events in 2024 The World Ahead 2024, The Economist (November 2023) Hur stor är risken för AI-apokalyps?
The Enlightened Economist Prize 2023 Posted on December 2, 2023 Drumroll – it’s time to announce the winner of this year’s prize, from the long shortlist. It’s been a difficult choice, as so often. Indeed, I’m going to have a runner-up as well this time. A reminder that th...
December 26, 2023 Patrick Tehan What is the true value of a honeybee? A mountain stream? A mangrove tree? Gretchen Daily, cofounder and faculty director of the Stanford Natural Capital Project, has dedicated her career to answering such complex questions. Using emerging scientific data and t...
Core inflation rate slows to 3.2% in December, less than expected "It's encouraging that inflation continues to throttle back, slowly but steadily," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's. "The only difference between where we are and the Fed's target i...
Writing in The Wine Economist in December 2023, I proposed “The Second Glass” test for NA products. NA beer and wine ought to remind you of the regular product and not be, like the sparkling apple cider we used to serve non-drinkers at our parties, a liquid placeholder for wine. And...