【GRE真题答案解析】GRE考满分为考生准备GRE 填空和等价TC真题答案解析,The economist argued that however much the government might trumpet the value of ___, it had been as bold as any other in its spending programs.
1请问这句话如何理解?However much the economist trumpeted his prescience, his accurate prediction of a major downturn was not as uncanny as he led the public to believe; for years he had been prophesying fiscal doom.1.请问这句话怎么翻译?2.总是对as...as句型的理解欠佳,比如这句话,根本不知道...
The Economist favours the support, through central banks, of banks and other important corporations. This principle can, in a much more limited form, be traced back to Walter Bagehot, the third editor of The Economist, who argued that the Bank of England should support major banks that got ...
Pessimistic on poverty The Economist argued that the World Bank has overstated the extent of absolute poverty in the world -- that there is less poverty than the Bank claims and that it is falling faster. A methodological debate lies at the heart of this claim. The Bank relies as much as...
A fiscal deficit is not universally regarded as a negative event. For example, the influential economistJohn Maynard Keynesargued that deficit spending and the debts incurred to sustain that spending can help countries climb out of economic recession. ...
IN 2006 Richard Layard, an economist at the London School of Economics, argued that unhappiness was a bigger social problem in Britain than unemployment. In the “Depression Report”, which he co-wrote, Lord Layard pointed out that more people were claiming incapacity benefits because of depressio...
But the major reason why books come out as hardcovers is that people buy them, despite their higher cost. The Economist compares it to movies being released in theaters several months before they arrive on DVD. “Just as film fans like to see films on the big screen, collectors enjoy the...
It was at the apex of a wave of books that promised a quirky—yetrigorous—analysis of things that the conventional wisdom had missed. On March 7th Mr Levitt, who for many people became the image of an economist, announced his retirement from academia. “It’s the wrong place for me to...
At the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, Jim ONeill, the chief economist at Goldman Sachs, argued convincingly that a slowdown in America need not lead to a significant global loss of power.Start with Japan, where industrial output jumped by an annual rate of 11% in the fourth ...