The war may be heading for an impasse. 7.[Culture]Title:The best films of 2023——Pass the popcorn(P79) The year’s standout movies featured cattle barons,chefs,composers,physicists and whistleblowers. (Volume 449, Number 9373, NOVEMBER 25TH...
September 6,2024 SEPTEMBER 7TH-13TH 2024 这周,我们刊登了两张封面。在美国,我们考虑如何改善该国危险的公路。每年,美国有大约 4 万人死于车祸——这不仅仅是因为美国是一个人们喜欢开车的大地方。美国公路每英里的危险程度几乎是富裕世界其他国家的两倍。尽管引入了旨在让驾驶更安全的技术,但过去 10 年,美国涉及...
The Economist put its stance this way: 【参考译文】在英国大选中,《经济学人》曾经支持工党(在2005年和2024年),[153][154] 保守党(在2010年和2015年),[155][156] 自由民主党(在2017年和2019年),[157][158] 并在美国支持过共和党和民主党候选人。《经济学人》这样描述自己的立场: What, besides ...
05 来源:《the Economist》 MORE THAN a million English students take out a student loan each year. But for the past decade the term “student loan” has been a misnomer. For most, the agreement works more like a graduate tax with an expiry date. Graduates pay 9% of their earnings above...
原文出自:2023年8月19日《The Economist》Business版块 精读笔记来源于:自由英语之路 本文翻译整理: Irene 本文编辑校对: Irene 仅供个人英语学习交流使用。 【补充资料】(来自于网络) 电动垂直起降飞行器(Electric Vertical Take-off and Landing Aircraft,简称eVTOL)是一种革命性的航空交通工具,具有垂直起降的能力,无...
By roddubitsky | October 1, 2023 On the California CARE act and whether mental health provisions are sufficient to make a dent in the homeless problem (hint: they’re not)
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Listen toan interviewwith the economist (?) driving bureaucratic reform in Argentina. The discussion can apply to Musk’s DOGE, but this guy had 1.5 years to prepare the reforms; Musk has 1.5 months (and a tiny bit of attention).
As Fig. 1 shows, the representation of non-economist social scientists increased in both WGII and WGIII, indicating a change in author composition called for by observers such as Carey et al.4 or Victor5 and potentially reflecting a shift in the discussion towards the social aspects of the ...
「经济学人」The best albums of 2023 Good to hear The best albums of 2023, as chosen by The Economist Throwback sounds such as folk, punk and soul dominate our list this year :host { all: initial; -webkit-text-size-adjust: inherit; }.w...