1. 福利经济学 《福利经济学》(The Economics of Welfare):福利经济学产生的标志 庇古是福利经济学的创始人,被称为“福利经济学之父”,他… wiki.mbalib.com|基于105个网页 2. 论福利经济学 ...古(Arthur Pigou),1920年,他在《论福利经济学》(The Economics of Welfare)一书中谈论了道路使用者怎样给其他...
In The Economics of Welfare, originally published in 1920, Pigou reconceptualized economics as a science of economic welfare, in the course of which he developed the first systematic theory of market failures. Employing Alfred Marshall's theoretical framework and the utilitarian logic of Henry Sidgwic...
Rich examines current and historical, theoretical and practical notions of welfare economics. Through a discussion of the theories of Edgeworth, Pareto and Slutsky, the author analyzes how the present approach to welfare economics developed and how it has failed in significant ways to alleviate the ...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《【预订】The Economics of Welfare》,作者:Pigou,出版社:Palgrave Macmillan。最新《【预订】The Economics of Welfare》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《【预订】The Economics of Welfare》,就上当当
《福利经济学(上、下卷) The Economics of Welfare(导读注释版)》作者:上海译文出版社,出版社:2022年8月 第1版,ISBN:268.00。《福利经济学》是英国著名经济学家庇古于1920年首次出版的一部经济学著作,之后又进行了多次修订。庇古
In her new introduction, Nahid Aslanbeigui discusses the life of Pigou and the history of The Economics of Welfare. She also discusses Pigou's theories as expressed in this volume and some of the criticisms those theories have met as well as the impact of those criticisms. The Economics of...
当当土星图书专营店在线销售正版《福利经济学(上、下卷) The Economics of Welfare(导读注释版)》。最新《福利经济学(上、下卷) The Economics of Welfare(导读注释版)》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《福利经济学(上、下卷) T
ARTHUR CECIL PIGOU THE ECONOMICS OF WELFARE (1920) - Liberty… 热度: the kabala of numbers (sepharial 1920) 热度: Sepharial(1920)_TheSilverKey[46p] 热度: SpecialNotice Beforeusingand/orreadinganybookpublishedbyBOOKYARDS,you mustreadandacceptthefollowingconditions: ...
economics.Hedevelopedtheconceptof externalitiesfromMarshallanduseditto justifygovernmentintervention. ABOUTTHEBOOK Pigoudevelopstheconceptofexternalitiesat somelengthandusestheirexistenceasa justificationforgovernmentintervention. THEEDITIONUSED TheEconomicsofWelfare(4thed.)(London: ...