Tax-Exempt Bonds and the Economics of Professional Sports Stadiums Summary Users of publicly owned stadiums receive subsidies from both state-local and federal taxpayers. The federal subsidy arises when the stadium is financed with statelocal bonds issued at below-market interest rates paid for by ...
All the terms central to this book, “the arts”, “culture”, “value” and even “economics” (or at least its scope) are contentious. This chapter outlines the current state of the definition of these terms and their...
Stadiums: A Trophy Taxpayers Refuse to Pay for Backlash against Subsidizing Team Owners Spreads Even to the Home of the Super Bowl ChampsAs the home to five professional sports teams, the reigning SuperBowl champs, and American...By Jillian Lloyd...
proponents of subsidies argue that stadiums and arenas catalyze local economic development (see, e.g., The Atlantic or NBC Sports), and yet, according to the 2017 survey by IGM and Whaples (2006), the economics profession generally agrees that the grounds for subsidizing professional sports are...
Whenever society wants individuals to make different choices than they are making now (because that would produce some public-good gains), instead of compensating or paying or subsidizing those people, we’ll just promise to perpetually manipulate culture and public opinion to give them a kind of...
Finally, spending $100 million on the Dome means that Harris County’s legacy of mismanaging the Dome will continue and that Harris County taxpayers will be on the hook for subsidizing that mismanagement in the future. Given those trade-offs, most Houstonians understand that it’s time to move...
Nowaydays, economics, with its ahis-torical logic, has become the ideology of a system in which multinational companiesand transnational institutions have come to dominate. Seen in a broader perspective,the delegitimization of (medieval) History constitutes only one example of the loss of...
I think Stern is trying to make the city of Seattle an example. If other cities stopped subsidizing NBA contracts with deals like this, the entire economics of the game would fall apart. City: Reno, Nev. Name: Kevin I was a kid when DJ, Freddie Brown and Jack Sikma led Seattle to ...
had no background in labor law or sports economics. He worked in the Justice Department, then became a litigator forPatton Boggs, a leading legal firm. The first impulse of litigators is to create conflicts; the second, to sustain them. The longer and nastier a conflict is, the more a ...
In the world of economics,“free riders” are people who benefit from a good or service without direct payment. Critics of privately funded transportation systems often assert that the “free rider problem” can only be solved bygovernment monopolization of roads, bridges and other features. Why ...