The Economics of Growth - MIT Press.pdf,THE ECONOMICS OF GROWTH Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt with the collaboration of Leonardo Bursztyn The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England © 2009 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights
增长经济学 [The Economics of Growth] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 编辑推荐 汤森路透和各大媒体日前纷纷公布2014年度诺贝尔经济学奖得主预测,哈佛大学的Philippe M. Aghion(菲利普?M?阿格因,也译作菲利普M.阿洪)和布朗大学的Peter W. Howitt(彼得?豪伊特)因为对增长经济学的杰出贡献, 高居热门候...
Howitt (2009) The Economics of Growth, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.Aghion, Philippe, and Peter Howitt. The Economics of Growth. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009.Aghion, P. and Howitt, P. (2009). The economics of growth.Aghion, P., Howitt, P.: The Economics of Growth. The MIT Press, ...
Aghion, P., & Howitt, P. (1990). A model of growth through creative destruction. In: National Bureau of Economic Research Cambridge, Mass., USA. Aghion, P., & Howitt, P. W. (2008). The economics of growth. MIT press. Aghion, P., Bergeaud, A., Lequien, M., & Melitz, M. ...
Part of the book series:Springer Texts in Business and Economics((STBE)) Abstract The threat of climate change is raising important questions regarding how could we organize our economic activity in order to deal with the imminent increases in temperature and their consequences. In Chap. 4, we...
aIn contrast to Aghion and Howitt's seminal contribution, we omit transitional dynamics. Inequilibrium, the enforcement ofIPRs, through monitoring efort and imposition offnes, helps determine the allocation of labor across these two sectors by afecting the risk-adjusted relative discount rate for inn...
aIntegrating spatial structure into economic growth explanation is an extremely complex 集成的空间结构到经济增长解释里是一极端复杂的 [translate] a1991; Fujita et al., 1999; Fujita & Thisse, 2002). This section provides a framework to [translate] atheory (Romer, 1990; Aghion & Howitt, 1998),...
(Aghion et al., 2019a) to demonstrate that: (i) innovation and market power are interrelated; (ii) the labour-share is a function of both innovation and market power; and (iii) innovation, market power (markups) and the labour share are co-evolving endogenous outcomes determined ...
With Malthus discredited, the search began for an understanding of what precipitates improvement in resource efficiency. For a long time, the exogenous-growth model developed in part by economist Robert Solow (1957) provided the conceptual basis for thinking about the economics of tech- nological ...
Journal of Financial Economics, 94(2), 291–309. Article Google Scholar Aghion, P., & Howitt, P. (1998). Capital accumulation and Innovation as Complementary Factor in Long-Run Growth. Journal of Economic Growth, 3, 111–130. Article Google Scholar Ahlin, B., Drnovsek, M., & His...